

KMST Part II (Assassins, Hermits, NLs) xD

Second part of the Reorganization stuff -
Assassin, Hermit, Night Lord

- The accuracy from Javelin Mastery has been increased from 60 to 120
- Damage of Avenger has been increased from 350% to 400%
- Damage of Triple Throw has been increased from 280% to 345%

Looks nice. xD

Source: [url=]Spadow's Blog[/url] xD

Edit: I like the convo about Javelins, but yeah, it's "Claw Mastery" here. xD

December 2, 2010

15 Comments • Newest first


That's an excellent boost, even for non-damage-h04ring Hermits/Nightlords. It also encourages people to actually look forward to mobbing, and might completely change the skill build from SP > Avenger to Avenger > SP. This is also excellent for Himes, Nightshadows and Temple of Time.

Reply December 5, 2010

Oh. My. God.

Not that I'm huge into damage, but I can't deny that I'm pumped for this.

Reply December 5, 2010

We should get a mob skill that uses Avenger like a javelin or something, lol. Add the piercing effect of Snipe unto it, and allow it to hit more than 6 mobs. It could sort of be like an advanced Avenger with longer range, more power, and hits more mobs. And the skill that raises the potency of Lucky Seven, Shadow Meso, and Avenger is actually helpful, since Avenger would actually be our main mobbing skill.

Reply December 4, 2010

Nope. But it used to be in the description for some of the skills.

Reply December 3, 2010

Javelin is the Korean translation for Knives, which was primarily named for Steelies, but overall means stars.

Reply December 3, 2010

[quote=TripleBladez]Storm is already nice for the damage and mob control, but others still feel it's useless with the no claw-punch, lol. Ambush is still the same as far as I know.

Other people, with myself included, think we should get another skill over Ambush, or at least improve Ambush so it won't be useless like Shadow Mesos. Though, for kMS, it's probably asking too much, but you never know what will happen. I have that feeling as well with TT & Avenger getting buffed even more, or nerfed slightly backwards in the future. xD[/quote]

KBing has two uses: Keeping mobs away and pushing them together. The pushing together will be the more vital part Post-BB, seeing Avenger will pack so much power + Taunt's range is still gonna be the same, it's gonna be beneficial to have the mobs pushed together into tight packs of 4-6 to get the most out of those skills. xD

It's kinda like how Bucs are now. They have a solid mobber in Dragon Strike, but with the ability to push mobs together, they get so much more out of it than just killing smaller, wide-spread mobs. xD

One thing I wonder about Ambush is, does it still ignore defense like it does now? Could be worth thinking about as a damage over time add-on if it can ignore PDRates of bosses. xD

Reply December 2, 2010

[quote=orangeking11]Well, Storm already does 300% damage, plenty for a mob KB'er lol. xD

Not sure on Ambush. Haven't looked at it in ages. xD[/quote]

Storm is already nice for the damage and mob control, but others still feel it's useless with the no claw-punch, lol. Ambush is still the same as far as I know.

Other people, with myself included, think we should get another skill over Ambush, or at least improve Ambush so it won't be useless like Shadow Mesos. Though, for kMS, it's probably asking too much, but you never know what will happen. I have that feeling as well with TT & Avenger getting buffed even more, or nerfed slightly backwards in the future. xD

Reply December 2, 2010 - edited

[quote=TripleBladez]Definitely a good buff. I've seen other people complain yesterday about TT being buffed, but it's not like we're super overpowered or anything. Not everyone has the funding for godly potential equips. This will at least balance things out. However, I still wonder if kMS is willing to do anything with Ambush/Storm.[/quote]

Well, Storm already does 300% damage, plenty for a mob KB'er lol. xD

Not sure on Ambush. Haven't looked at it in ages. xD

Reply December 2, 2010 - edited

Definitely a good buff. I've seen other people complain yesterday about TT being buffed, but it's not like we're super overpowered or anything. Not everyone has the funding for godly potential equips. This will at least balance things out. However, I still wonder if kMS is willing to do anything with Ambush/Storm.

Reply December 2, 2010 - edited

[quote=bombinator]i still dont see the point for accuracy lol[/quote]

I don't think anyone does lol. But I think since Warriors/Bucs might've needed a bit extra help in that area, I think they just gave everyone an ACC boost. xD

Reply December 2, 2010 - edited

i still dont see the point for accuracy lol

Reply December 2, 2010 - edited

[quote=Telatsu]What the heck is javelin booster...


lol ikr xD

OT: Whooo 400% avenger and 345% tt with no min range for star throwing! Now we can finally mob!

Reply December 2, 2010 - edited

What the heck is javelin booster...


Reply December 2, 2010 - edited

[quote=iProxD]Lets hope GMS carries this out. NLs = OP much post BB? XD[/quote]

A lot of other classes got solid boosts too, so we should still be pretty balanced. xD

Reply December 2, 2010 - edited

Lets hope GMS carries this out. NLs = OP much post BB? XD

Reply December 2, 2010 - edited