
Do Pam Song's Work With Chaos Scrolls?

So for example if I fail a chaos scroll, pam song activates? and stats dont change? I get my slot back?

can someone confirm this?

December 14, 2010

6 Comments • Newest first


Chaos Scrolls have 60% of working
when it works there's a 50/50 chance of it raising and lowering stats.
And it applies to every stat on the item.

Reply December 14, 2010

if a chaos fails NOTHING happens like a regular scroll... If the chaos PASSES the skill that are already on the item can very from + OR - 5... So a 5 dex item can go to 0 dex OR 10 dex...

Reply December 14, 2010

Do chaos scrolls work with vega scrolls? 60% chaos into 90%?

Edit: If a chaos scroll Passes, can it lower stats? or does a pass always = higher stats?

Reply December 14, 2010 - edited

[quote=spencercow]They have a 60% success rate.

I would think it'd work, considering they ARE scrolls, but I cant imagine it'd be worth the 17k nx O.o

@above, a pam song is only for whether the scroll lands on the item, it cannot affect what the scroll does. A chaos scroll lowering stats still requires the scroll to work.[/quote]

hmm quite risky, thx

Reply December 14, 2010 - edited

[quote=Wolftanner]if you fail the scroll. But not if it succeeds and doesnt give you the stats you want.[/quote]

what if it succeeds and it lowers the stats?

Reply December 14, 2010 - edited

How do you fail a chaos scroll?

Reply December 14, 2010 - edited