

Skill build for 124+ pally?

Alright, so my current build at lv 124 is max ACB, 1 rush, 2 blast, 1 guardian, and 1 divine shield. I have my full SP reset to use.
Here's my current logic behind my build. I'm going non-holy because it seems like there are plenty of non-holy places to train at - lycanthropes at 129, brextons at 133, and so on. I thought it would be nice to put 1 into divine shield and guardian since CO would buff them up a bit. However, it seems that divine shield doesn't stay put too long to have any major effect on me, so I might phase it out. Or, if guardian has priority over divine shield, should i phase out guardian to increase divine shield's chances?
In any case, I'm probably going to take a pt out of one of the skills; where should i put it then?

December 12, 2010

1 Comment • Newest first


Non-holy is a fine choice with the wide range of areas available. I personally like the idea of Ludi training if I were a WK - grims are good even at my 14x levels!

My suggestion is that you max divine shield before guardian - DS is around a 50% block rate for only 10 points, and guardian is 42% for 30 points. Easy choice. Divine shield is the priority after ACB, before anything else like stance, blast, or holy. It's the vital 4th job skill to max, imo.

Try this build:

1 rush
Divine Shield

This is my personal build [guardian], and it's exceptional. The defence we get with lv 20 guardian only is amazing. (I need lv 30 mastery book). At level 30 it will about a 70% block rate, and then you get Holy just at the level you can skele, if you want to add holy at all. If not, skip holy, max achilles and stance and you, my friend, are set.

Reply December 12, 2010