

What Three Skills Do You Want?

Hey guys, I was just wondering... What THREE skills would you (my fellow NL's) want Nightlord's to get in the upcoming Thief/Pirate revamp?

Now i'm fairly sure you all know what is MOST LIKELY coming in the patch already but what threeskills would you wish for to come in the patch? It can be already existing skills that ARE Coming in the patch, OR, it can be made up skills that you wish were invented! Please make them reasonable&realistic because I do want to read all since i'm very interested in what my fellow NL's have in mind.

Feel free to include the following:
the % dmg it does at max lv &/or at lv 1 (skill level)
a short description of the skill(s)
the max level of the skill
a skill name

The three skills that I would LOVE for Nightlord's to get are:
1. A skill similar to Mercedes' Leaf Tornado but instead we jump up straight and throw a wide spread of stars downward, 0-5 second cooldown is reasonable
2. A summoning skill (like BM's Phoenix) but instead we can maybe summon a darker looking being to help us in combat and take care of annoying mobs like in Zakum runs
3. A hurricane like skill where we throw MASS stars non-stop, Beast mode anyone?

4. I would really love if we got to keep Alchemist (the potion buff duration included) and Avenger.

Thoughts? And Thank you for reading

April 26, 2012

5 Comments • Newest first


1. Drain
Drains 10% of damage for HP
2. Something similar to feline berserk (shadow partner turned white?)

Reply April 29, 2012

Make mobs have a % chance of instant-re-spawn with Taunt already cast on them when they are killed after being Taunted. Include an animation that says "I'M MAD!" or something lol.

Reply April 28, 2012

QT+SP and 3 stacks of poison is already match up with Hurricane+ final advance attack

and for a skill like tornado leap,

my night lord friend made up a attack skill, that is pretty much the stolen skill attack that Flash(hsalf) does.
pretty much leaping in the air and throwing down cool giant thunder/shadow looking stars.

Reply April 26, 2012 - edited

I agree with xlDanteIx, though. QT+SP alone is already speedy.

My semi-realistic idea: Getting rid of Shuriken Burst and adding Final Attack. Put in AFA for 4th job.

800 QT+SP * 0.7 = 560 + 800 = 1360 / 60 = 22.6666667 QT+SP+AFA per second.

A HUGE upgrade. BM's and Corsairs become jealous. We'd be around Mech and Merc territory (20+ hits/sec).

Reply April 26, 2012 - edited