MapleStory Play Now


Level 150 Weapons in Game

To start off sorry if this is a repost but I have not seen a thread about this yet. There are new CS items called Mermaid Mirror and Emerald Mirror and in their item desciption it says, "A mystical Mirror that produces a random Tempest equip, Empress equip, Elite Heliseum equip, a new lv 150 weapon, Fearless recipe, Mastery Book, OR scroll when combined with a Clear Mirror Glass. You'll find Clear Mirror Glass items when you fight monsters. The Emerald Mirror has a higher chance to produce rare items than the Mermaid Mirror, and includes many more powerful items to boot!". Has anyone seen these yet? And are these the same level 150 weapons recently released in KMS?

Edit: Does anyone have the stats of the level 150 weapons? I looked and I can't find them. If you know where I can find them drop me a link.

February 6, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


@bubblecup118: Oh yea, I've seen those items but I didn't think enough lol.

Reply February 6, 2013


What are you guys talking about? It doesn't give KMS Root Abyss set, it gives JMS Lvl 150 equipment sets

Here are the stats, look it up at the extractions


What you talking about? We have CMS Root Abyss and it does have chaos version of the bosses, you need to beat the normal version 10 times.


Above link has the stats of the JMS Lvl 150 equipments

Reply February 6, 2013 - edited

Root Abyss set.

Reply February 6, 2013 - edited

[quote=xidamex]nexon americas way of not implamenting chaos boss and making us pay nx for 150 equips unless the chaos root bosses are out.[/quote]

You sound surprised, f3

Reply February 6, 2013 - edited