

Halloween Horror Movies

Hey basilers, I just finished watching The Raven and I'm very interested in thrillers of that particular kind and was wondering if you guys have movies you'd reccomend where the killer is anonymous and most of the movie is spent searching for him. It would also be great if you guys know any movies where a group of people go into a mansion for some odd reason and get stuck there for a night all dying one by one, or theirs a killer in the group (like in the family guy episode)! Thanks and I hope this also satisfies other basiler's halloween horror cravings =)

October 17, 2012

6 Comments • Newest first


I already finished cabin in the woods (unappreciated film) and I'm not into remakes unless its good and not into too gory like saw

Reply October 17, 2012

The first 2 seconds when I read your thread was "Hey basilers, I just finished watching The Raven"
And I thought that you watched That's So Raven...
OT: Final Destination
Final Destination 2
Final Destination 3
Final Destination 4
Final Destination 5

Reply October 17, 2012

Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The best of the best.

Reply October 17, 2012

@iTuneD: it's pretty much a subversion of horror, so i'm always wary when i recommend it to people who want scary/"scary" stuff. at most i felt some unease or anticipated a jump scare that never came.

Reply October 17, 2012

Cabin in the Woods <---

Reply October 17, 2012

Cabin in the Woods is an amazing horror movie, though it's somewhat atypical

Reply October 17, 2012