

Sharing 10 bil funding with evan and kaiser

Hey guys, I just wanted to know if sharing funding is ok with these two jobs. I have about 10 bil for both characters and later canget 7.5 bio more. If sharing funding is good, what Character should I spend my fund on the most? Also if you guys have time, please label the items I could get. Ty <3 <3. <3 <3

January 27, 2013

2 Comments • Newest first


I think you should only share funds between characters if you have an absurdly high amount of fundings. I mean passing mw 20 and mw 30 alone, you'll need at least a few bills and then do it for two characters, wheres the funding left for good equips ?

Reply January 27, 2013

well if you really want to, then go for it? fund whichever one you enjoy playing more.

of course it's better if you use all your funds for just one character..

Reply January 27, 2013