

Am I doing something wrong?

I know I make a lot of threads and it might be annoying for some of you guys, but please bear with me I'm somewhat lost ever since coming back to Maple...
I know Nightlords aren't the best damage class out there, but when I see lower level Nightlords deal more damage than me, it's pretty sad and puts my motivation down to an abyss.... I thought my gears are above average seeing as I have a slight over 100% luk. I have a 60k range fully buffed, but clearly it's not enough.. I have a perfectly scrolled lampion (103 wa) with +12 att 9% total damage. I don't understand how other Nightlords out damage me by so much ... Maybe I'm just running into the really funded ones... ~.~...
I'm level 186 no empress gear, with around 2b funding? (can merch for more, but once I learn the FM prices again....) I can specify my gears and its stats if someone is willing to help me.
Sorry for my annoying threads and hope someone can help! Thanks!

December 21, 2012

12 Comments • Newest first


So long as you don't take 10 minutes to kill a single monster I don't see the problem

People who shun you out of parties simply because your range is 'bad' are not worth partying with in the first place. Personally, I was in the opposite position; I would two hit crockies and people would kick people to let me in. However, once I was in the party I was expected to leech everyone for hours on end while everyone "brb'd" and the HS would be cast once every hour.

So with a bigger range you'll have more problems

Reply December 25, 2012

Try get higher critical rate if you arent satisfied with your damage
But yea 60k is allright
You can get owned in bosses though cuz no empress or %boss, but on reg monsters you should be able to outdamage average lol60%luk nls

Reply December 25, 2012

@SuperKieran, well now that I see other people's comments, it does seem that way, but because people in Bera keep telling me my range was low, I made the thread to see where I stood with other NL's.
18x claws? what? o.o

Reply December 22, 2012

I believe its those 18x att claws in the market.

Reply December 22, 2012

Most NL's are in the range of 30-45k buffe. 60k is good enough to own a crokys map without a problem.

Reply December 22, 2012

Meanwhile, I'm struggling to break 30k range at just about your level. </3

Reply December 22, 2012

Not to be rude, but it kind of seems like you're fishing for compliments here, you're range is great.

Reply December 22, 2012

I guess Bera just has a lot of funded players =(...

Reply December 21, 2012

You're meeting the wrong people then. Not everyone has high standards, but there's always going to be at least one person that's better than you because they've got more funding and better luck when scrolling and/or cubing.

Reply December 21, 2012

I know there are others with lower range than me and I really am not trying to make anyone feel bad, but in all honesty, I've had people shun me and kick me from party because my range and damage is "straight up terrible". Kind of sad and makes training quite difficult

Reply December 21, 2012

That's them. You're you.

Your range isn't even bad.

Reply December 21, 2012

60k range while I'm stuck at 30k. Get out of here.

Reply December 21, 2012