
A question about charging Nx

Hi guys, can you tell me if my account can get banned if I use my credit card to buy NX for me and my friends? I'm the only one with a card of a bank that allows internet transactions, that's why I let them use my card. I live in Peru so I can't buy Karma Koins.

Thank you very much.

February 12, 2013

3 Comments • Newest first


nexon won't allow for one card to be charged on multiple accounts, they'll all be banned from credit card purchases through their site.
the accounts themselves won't be banned from game play, but you won't have the option of credit card nx charging.

Reply February 12, 2013

@xSoolz They should know because of the CC number or the paypal account I use, I'm concerned about the billing ban or whatever is called, since it would not just ban me but my friends too.

@drakanss My irl friends, my brother, my sister and my gf. And I don't give the numer, I charge it in my PC when they put they passwords on it.

@UsoppStyle No sé bro, yo compro con tarjeta, comprar códigos de Karma Koins en mercadolibre o en ebay te sale al final más caro, yo pago por ejemplo $30 y recibo 30K Nx. En cambio los otros te cobran una "comisión" a modo de IGV. Además el código 51 no es un baneo del juego [url=]como aquí se explica[/url].

Thanks for the replies guys!

Reply February 12, 2013 - edited

too many transactions will banned you permanent to purchase NX trhough the maplestory page with your creditcard. this is called code 51. i have this issue.

i live in peru too. how do i buy NX without credit card?. easy. go to and search for ultimate gamecard. sellers are 100% legit.

Reply February 12, 2013 - edited