
What are the new training places for level 100+ anything?

Ive been looking, and so far nothing. I am a level 103 Blaze Wizard and the lovely newties I once trained on have obviously been nerfed now due to BB. I found training at Cranky Forest in Leafre (Hobis and Green Hobis) isnt too bad.. they give 1367 / 1495 exp each. But I just found that on accident, so im sure theres something better... please and thank you to anyone that knows any good spots.

December 15, 2010

2 Comments • Newest first


Thanks all. I think ill try captains/jesters

Reply December 15, 2010

Ugh... really? Gallos? Even before the BB patch, those things were STILL overflowed...
Cmon, there HAS to be something else )= Even if its slightly not as good as gallos

Reply December 15, 2010