
What class do you hate the most and why?

Mine is definitely bowmans because of their stupid moves, it just pisses me off.

January 8, 2013

21 Comments • Newest first


Dual Blades.

And recently Kaiser, they make my eyes hurt and are OP as all hell.

Reply January 8, 2013

Phantom. They ruined bishops.

Reply January 8, 2013

@ramenrulz: well I technically 'dislike' leeching b/c it's technically someone else training your character indirectly and is getting the credit for leveling the character . . . I'm talking to those who are especially buying leech from other players that spam "S>Leech 150m @ lhc over night for 8 hours plus" smh where is the pride of getting to level 200 if you leech most of the time?

Reply January 8, 2013

Everyone hates Jett.

Reply January 8, 2013

Ok let's not start flame wars here over classes. I don't really hate any class, just certain aspects like attack range or speed, etc. Anyway, you should not hate a class because of the community of people playing them. Heck, Kaiser is my favorite class to come out ever, and I have experienced a lot of people using Luminous, Kaiser, or any other general mobbing class to be complete jerks and start ksing, cause flame wars, or just be jerks in general.

We all have our preferences, but that doesn't mean that we can't bring back the homely and nice community and player interactions that were common way back. People start fights with each other just because of their choice of class.

Don't get me wrong, i get really angry at times when people are... difficult, but that doesn't mean I'll stop liking or just purely hate a class over it.

And TS, what other attacks do you want bowmen to use? All they can really do is either pull back a string or pull a trigger to let arrows fly. They don't exactly fit the description of using magic or Jedi-like sword skills.

EDIT: Main point here, don't hate the others just because you don't like their class. I might be diving into something a little deeper here, but this is what i want to say.

I kinda felt like I used a SAO style of game logic here (According to Kirito), for those of you that know of this show (please don't start commenting on whether you hat anime or not.).

Reply January 8, 2013 - edited

[quote=sycria]The Bourgeoisie[/quote]
the middle class is very important, jerk

Reply January 8, 2013 - edited

Phantom. i hate they can steal buff skills.

Reply January 8, 2013 - edited

DB's. They should pick their own weapons, not wear two daggers, (and yes, katara's, daggers, watever).

Reply January 8, 2013 - edited

mechs...just so damn clunky.

Reply January 8, 2013 - edited

i dislike WHs and Mechs due to their mount lag

Reply January 8, 2013 - edited

Demon Slayer

Reply January 8, 2013 - edited

beginners, because I guarantee you that none of the beginners that made it to level 200 have ever leveled 'legitly' w/o ever having to leech

Reply January 8, 2013 - edited

DBs, they can't use their own weapons.

Reply January 8, 2013 - edited

I really hate Physics, too many equations.

Reply January 8, 2013 - edited

i hate all begginers, like holy crap, all that godly dmg with no funding at all? Like wow, and they think there just TooOOOoo cool to even need jobs,

Reply January 8, 2013 - edited

I agree, a lot of luminous owning people don't give a...not going to say it...about anyone. But...I don't hate any class, I hate ksers

Reply January 8, 2013 - edited

I hate Luminous. Whenever a Luminous wants to train they don't even look for a empty map, they just walk into one and start attacking and there is nothing you can do about it.

Reply January 8, 2013 - edited

JETTS, cause they postponed of pirate revamp >.<

Reply January 8, 2013 - edited

Luminous, and any other class that is able to KS without any funds.

Reply January 8, 2013 - edited


Reply January 8, 2013 - edited