
How Long Does it Take for nexon to Unban from flase accuse?

Title ^_^

January 13, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


Flase accuse.

@above and I'm one of those people who have been banned for 30 days.

Reply January 13, 2013 - edited

You have to convince Nexon that they are in the wrong. When the issue that banned you isn't well known, the chances of convincing Nexon are slim. Most of the time, GMs are stubborn about this kind of thing, probably because the company can't look wrong [i]too[/i] often.

I've seen people get unbanned from unknown false-banning issues before, though. Every case involved someone recording themselves getting banned, or recording another instance of the ban. When the flying Mu Lung bird thing was banning people, players sent in video footage of the instance to Nexon, and a good chunk of the players were unbanned. When Windia's Pink Bean squad racked up so many numbers that the game thought they must have been hackers and banned the entire group, they sent in a collective response -- dozens of tickets, all with the same notes/screenshots, etc.

My point is that you'll have to build some kind of case for yourself. How were you falsely banned?

@guy above:
That thread has 110 pages of people who have been falsely banned within the last 30ish days. Nexon has sidestepped the issue entirely; their GMs have been nothing but short with anyone who sends in a ticket. Maybe you just got lucky, dude.

Reply January 13, 2013 - edited

Took me 1 day, so I don't know what the person over me is trying to say.
It's weekend, so it will probably take you longer.

Reply January 13, 2013 - edited

∞ days or so

(more often then not...)

Reply January 13, 2013 - edited