

how can i be sure that i can win a ranked game?

im level 30 in league of legends and i lost 4 rank games i really wanna win and a cant lose any tips for ranked games?

January 27, 2013

8 Comments • Newest first


Fresh level 30s are bad. no exceptions. wait till you have hundreds of games under your belt. even then I know your mechanics are still crap by then. never blame elo hell, never rage. i know you're not looking at your mistakes or trying to improve. if you're not completely dominating your lane so hard that you can carry retards, you're at the right elo. work on your mechanics, map awareness, decision making, teamfighting, positioning. everything. just get better. get objectives like dragon, baron. also buy craploads of wards. if you're not buying wards you deserve to lose. don't get caught somewhere with no vision. DON'T fight bad fights. learn to decide whether a fight is good or not. most importantly, practice csing. always go for perfect cs, and steal their wraiths and your wraiths. it's all on you to carry. whore out every last bit of cs. also, play mid. mid is the best role to carry. countergank, gank. watch the map. if someone's overextending at low health, punish them. punish every mistake. if they towerdive bot, go down there and kill everything. i've learned that mid is the best role to carry. ad = work with someone who got forced into the bch role, he doesnt actually know how to support. support= baby sit some guy who sucks at csing. jungle = support 2.0 have fun while your lanes feed and you can't do anything. top= the role that takes almost no skill. nearly zero influence on the rest of the map. have a tight champion pool of op champions and master them. knowing a lot of champions isnt useful if only a handful of them are tier 1. then learn the counter matchups. whatever's in the meta. don't play useless crap champions like ziggs, nasus, nautilus, heimer, teemo etc. if they wouldnt use it in a tournament don't use it. if your team picks a crappy champion just dodge (depends how crappy your team looks. if its teemo support just dodge and save your time). thats all you need to know. if you're not 2k elo by next week youre trash.

Reply January 27, 2013 - edited

Add me, HotShotGG

Reply January 27, 2013 - edited

ive been playing since season 1 i have lots of elo and i ccurrently lost 4 games

Reply January 27, 2013 - edited

Well I could duo with you as mid and carry hard, but too bad stuck in login queue. o.o

Reply January 27, 2013 - edited

don't play rank game until you get full rune and know how to play some champion skillful unless you wanna get carry by just playing support role.

Reply January 27, 2013 - edited

Basically like what has been said, just be the one who carries your team (mid or adc) most of the time. Don't rely on other people to do it unless you can't yourself (but if you are in that position I wouldn't be playing ranked)

Reply January 27, 2013 - edited

sigh.. you should always try playing ranks at the beginning of the season to get a decent rank.
only takes like 11 wins straight to get to 1600 elo from nothing.

the only tip is to get one of ur pro-'buddies' to play a smurf account and carry your ass through a few games.
Plus dodge if you feel that the pair up is bad., the fixed the whole penalty to being only time and not about losing points on ladder.

Reply January 27, 2013 - edited

If you don't suck or is at least decent enough to not feed then you can get lucky and get a good team that can carry you. Better hope you do because if you lose any more games you will probably get down to 800 elo or less.

Reply January 27, 2013 - edited