
Best Thing to Buy with Tempest Coins?

I've saved around 500 coins and the event's nearly over. I have a lv 150 kaiser and I don't know what to get for it. Was planning on getting the helisium equips but seeing as the nova equips are better, I'm starting to change my mind. I already have the tempest shoulder just not sure what to get next. I'm currently using the 120 brave gear set that was given out to 120 tempest classes but planning on upgrading to emp soon so don't wanna get the tempest set. Any suggestions?

February 8, 2013

3 Comments • Newest first


:O Where do you get these?

Reply February 8, 2013

[quote=Gallade96]Buy tons of rings or shoulders, don't reaveal pot. Sell a month before lv150 shoulders are released for max profit.[/quote] But level 150 shoulders are already out

Reply February 8, 2013

I just plan on buying a ton of rings and keeping them in my inventory and see how much they'll cost next year when I come back.

Reply February 8, 2013