

117 training alternatives ._. ?

Hey everyone ,
I'm level 117 and was wondering if there are any alternatives to Dual Ghost Pirates. I've heard that Spirit Vikings are amazing exp however they're strong against fire and not particularly vulnerable to ice attacks making training less efficient than DGPs. I've also been to Blue Kents, however, the map layout was terrible (climbing ropes slows
training down)

Am I confined to DGPs until 12x ?
I've considered training at yetis; the map layout is similar however, the junior yetis may prove hindrance to training (waiting for them to transform)

January 2, 2011

1 Comment • Newest first


Well ... I was confined to Captains and Krus from level 100 to 120. If your dedicated to getting to lv120, it won't take as long. Also, captains and krus have quick spawn rates, somewhat low damage compared to DGPs, and your flamethrower and ice splitter can attack both platforms with jumping. The map is pretty small too so, not much rope climbing or anything.

Reply January 2, 2011