
Top 10 most formidable monsters whom was severely nexon'd

Hellu, let's have some fun. I will give you the list of some of the most serious threats of Maplestory who got owned throughout Maple History. Feel free to add to the list. You will put 10 monsters from the most severely downgraded to the least.

The game: Here is the list of monsters to pick from, feel free to add your own.

Jr. Neckies: These little snakes with massive avoidability for the low levels. Messing with them usually means a crapload waste of potions.

Balrog: Previously a serious threat even to careless 4th jobbers (bowman/thieves and slingers). He was dubbed the king of beta. What is he now? A weakling who deals 400-600 damage and can be killed by level 60's.

Golems (of any kinds): The best of early maplers have trained here. Now they are for the 2x people. I remember the time where they mean death to low level non-warriors, no dark sight thieves that fells down that pit near Henesys that was filled with these guys.

The Tauromacis family (forgot the name of the dude with ice spear): They were annoying obstacles on your way to Balrog. Every so often they caused you death at lmpq. Now their damage is.... in the 100's.

Elderwraiths: Ever tried to train at windraiders bowmen and slingers? Remember these emo dudes in hoodies who always kill you and your attempts of just trying to level? Remember how many % was lost to these guys? Fear not, they now only do in the hundreds.

Crimson Guardians: 3-5k damage for whoever is trying to train in Hall of Mastery. They're no jokes. Their fatness is a hassle for non-thieves who try to push their way through. Now they only deal 1.4k damage.

Anego: Needless to say eh. 17k slap is now gone.

Bigfoot: A horror to non-dark-sight travelers who is trying to train at Crimsonwood Keep. They pop out randomly anywhere and hand you your bum every encounter with the 11k damage from just touching the [i]string[/i] of the lolipop. Even my 14x mage with maxed magic guard got 1-hit-koed. Now? A pitiful 1k damage.

Royal Robots (boss, forgot name, in Neo City): Most warriors, even the level 200 ones, have trouble landing a hit on this guy. They were exclusively for bowmen due to massive 17k touch damage and massive avoidability.

Papalatus: 8-9k bombs now deal 300-400. 5k touch 2nd body now does only 2k.

Did Pianus got owned too?

Scarlion: 6k-3k touch damage

Targa: 5k-2k touch damage

Crimson Balrog: 4k down to 1k damage. He is the terror of ship passenger during the Orbis-Ellina flight. The catch is, THEY EVEN KILL YOU WITH TOUCH DAMAGE IN DARK SIGHT! 4k damage, enough to take out low 4th job bowmen/NLs/corsairs.

Samurai: 3k sword damage to 1 damage. 9k lightning to 3k.

Showa boss: 4k touch damage to a mere 1k.

Wolf Spiders: These were probably one of the most difficult monsters to train on from 70-90. The spawns were massive, they move fast with 1.8k touch damage. Any lag/potion mistakes will result in your tombstone. Now only do 20 damage. Little more than 1% of the original damage o.o

Jr. Boogie: A status caster. A real pain while training at boars and fire boars. High avoidability for its level. Darkness, lower exp, poison. Now a level 10 can kill it.

Emperor and his toad. 15k damage down to 2-4k.

Black Crows: New damage info please? Used to deal 7-8k damage and kills almost anyone who trains at hime.

Bodyguard A: 26k-4k, probably the biggest nerf so far o.o

Zakum: The #1 Big Bad back in the days. He needed to be fought in party. Level 200's take hours to solo. Now 120's people can solo him. New damage info please?

Here is my ranking:
1. Bigfoot
2. Crimson/Jr. Balrog
3. Elderwraiths
4. Crimson Guardian
5. Tauromacis
6. Golems
7. Wolf Spiders
8. Black Crow
9. Royal Guard Type S
10. Anego

This ranking is not based on power level but based on how dangerous these monsters were.

December 29, 2010

21 Comments • Newest first


[quote=PraisedAura]Lol Black Crow used to kill my Himes partner and they'd rage when I wouldn't die. Hp washing ftw?

Oh and Gunboss (Body Guard A, B, and Grandpa) got nerfed big time as well. BodyGuard A hits only around 4k compared to when it used to hit 26ks on me.[/quote]

Added, thank you ^^

Reply December 29, 2010

[quote=illgain]No one mentioned Black Crow? He was on par with bigfoot when it came to killing the unprepared (with that 7k-8k damage). Now he's a wuss like all the other bosses.[/quote]

Thank yous

Reply December 29, 2010

i miss the neckis and golems ;'(

Reply December 29, 2010

T.S. . . Ur post is full of win! ! Don't change a thing f5555 targa,scar, royal guard, bf, anego, and GFA nerfs made me cry . . .

Reply December 29, 2010

[quote=PraisedAura]KMS doesn't have Ninja Castle. We have had Ninja Castle for some time now (aprox. 3 months?). The last time I saw somebody fighting them I think it only hits around 2-4k[/quote]

I quit for too long eh, I didn't know lol

@conman5076: Windraiders did not kill many people, only good exp.

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

this list is.. surprisingly accurate
*thumbs up*

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

lol 17k slap xD

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

[quote=PraisedAura]Surprised nobody mentioned that the Emperor and his Toad form got nerfed too.[/quote]

Ninja castle is out? o.o Or are we talking KMS? If so I'm still gonna add to the list. Thanks. Damage info please?

@Dragonnice1: thanks

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

Do crogs even spawn anymore? I went on the ship like 20 times. Not a single crog encounter...

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

[quote=xXTermonatorXx]Royalguard was the most dangerous by far. I love this Thread though and i do agree with some of your rankings. It kills me to remember some of those.[/quote]

He/she (assuming that mechas have genders) did not kill as much people as bigfoot did :O

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

Showa boss changed from 4k touch dmg to 1k. bb the worth of my lovely summoning sacks.

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

thanks so much for telling me these

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

I think Royal Guard Type S were nerfed the worse out of all of these.
It spawns like a regular monster now, barely even hits me, and lasts a good 5 seconds before I kill it.

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

Wow, every major bosses eh? o.o

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

crimson balrogs hit 600 dmg now
and samurai is nerfed as well , he used to hit 10k with thunder and 3k with that sword wind attack
now he hits 1.6k with thunder and 1 dmg with the wind sword att

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

[quote=archxever]Wait. How was Royal Guard S Nexon'd O.o[/quote]

Level 200 warriors used to miss on these. No jobs but bowmen could handle because of puppets.

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

Wait. How was Royal Guard S Nexon'd O.o

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

Haha let me add Crimson Rog, didn't meet any of these guys ever since big bang comes around.

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

^ this thread is just for a fun discussion. I'm already chill lol.

@above: ah I see, didn't meet any crimson balrog after big bang.

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

Ranking fixed from power level to the level of threat posed to maplers.

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

^ you're right :O

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited