
Whats worth getting with fire power coins?

Just wondering what the best items to get would be.

July 11, 2015

4 Comments • Newest first


get the android so you can npc stuff to it. its very costly though 2000 coins

Reply July 11, 2015

there's some stuff in the shop you might not see in a while in a coin shop (king pepe chair,hilla/magnus android) and some things in every coin shop (epic pot scrolls, innocence scrolls) so imo i think you should go for any cewl things you think might not come back for a while or you could just sell coin service if nothing honestly seems cewl

Reply July 11, 2015

Ive just been using the epic potential scrolls and innocence scrolls. Btw you afk a lot.

Reply July 11, 2015

Whatever you want. Literally. Just get what you want to get.

Reply July 11, 2015