

I am so Pysched right now!

For the first time since forever, my city will be hosting a local science fair contest, where the winner will then move on to the Canadian Science Fair Finals. I always have killer projects, but most of my difficulty comes with choosing a topic to do.

Does anyone here have any ideas or experienced ideas from their experience with Science fairs for me? I won't directly copy them, I want ideas. I can't find decent ones online.

Anyway, I'm aware the science fair experiment shouldn't be something to complex, or to simply. In a near by city, the winner last year did something so simple and beat out the people who brought model wind mills (About 1 meter high). It was something related to how CO2 and O2 affect cucumber growth.

December 29, 2010

1 Comment • Newest first


Do about why students hate science fairs so much that they are willing to rip out their intestines.

Reply December 29, 2010