

Why am i so bad at league?

Somebody give me elo please.

January 11, 2013

24 Comments • Newest first


It depends what you're good at. If you generally suck ,there's not much for you to do, except stay away from hard-carry positions, meaning, play support. If you do a great job in the game, you should take up those spots.

Learn how to not feed at least, is a great start. As long as you're a low-elo player, don't play your games risky with the mind on carrying it, play it safe and try not to feed. This means you can have your own playing style, but if you die once or twice big time in your lane, switch to defensive so you don't give the opponents a too great headstart and spend your time farming so you can keep at least somewhat up. For example mid-lane, if you're confident that you suck, go with a long-range or good farm champ, Morgana is a great example of one who's good at farming and pushing, this way you could lay your black pool and let it farm your lane and go to gank or invade jungle (with your jungler of course). This way you have a positive impact on your game, even if you're coming short on your own lane.

Another game-changer is to ward up. If you make sure you have a great vision around your lane, you can't get ganked and give money to their jungler nor the person at your lane, and you can inform others if the jungler is at your lane, which gives the other lanes an opportunity to play more aggressive or gives your jungler the opportunity to counter-gank or invade their jungler. Having awareness of where their champs is, can be very vital, as it can tell you and your teammates when you can push towers and inhibs down, and when to play safe. And it doesn't matter which lane or position you hold, you should always have a ward or two on you. The only one on the team who may occasionally be excempt from this is the AD carry.

Play champions you're comfortable with, in the appropriate lanes, except if you have a friend on skype or something like that. Generally there's a reason why champions have the positions they have.
Mid AP carries solo: Because they're typically squishy, so mid is optimal as they have the shortest distance to the tower. They're solo because they rely more heavily upon levels than for example the AD carry does.

ADC + Sup bot: The sup is to give the ADC an edge, because he has the greater potential to carry the game, especially late game. But it's also an edge to have 2 at bot for early attempts at taking or countering dragon

The reason for you to take a champion to your comfort over one which counters your opponent, is because as a amateur player like myself, we tend to be bad at adapting as easily to new champions playstyle, so while we might loose early-lane game by taking a champion which may be countered by the opponent, we will have a greater positive impact on the game later, with one which we're more comfortable with, as we better understand the champions limitations and strengths.

The time to have fun and go with non-standard lanes, if you have a friend you can coordinate aggressive actions with-- For example I went Panth-Zyra bot, which isn't that incredibly wierd, but still not a usual lane you'll see. We were very effective because of the massive cc (binding, slow, stun, knock up) and great burst, we could coordinate kills on the adc and keep them down.

Try to take advantage of guides without using them as literally as possible. Guides gives a good rough estimation for how to use a new champ and which items might be the most appropriate generally, but every game is different and so must your builds and playing style be adapted to it. Keep an eye on which enemies are fed and does a better job, and try to buy appropriate items to counter it. For example, if ADC is doing great -> Armor, even Thornmail if you're top/tank champ, if the AP carry, then buy Magic res. If the AD carry carries hard, and you have a burst champion, get rid of their adc as fast as possible, be satisfied with sacrificing yourself for such a trade.

I hope this helps a little and hasn't been too redundant, as you might know most of it already.

Reply January 13, 2013

@doodorz: Low elo players dont know what camp is. They just go everywhere and get screamed at by each laner. Trust me from experience.

Reply January 13, 2013

[quote=evonexus]l0l, cant believe you dropped 200 elo, sadlife.
just grind back up again[/quote]

Yeah. Sadlyfe.

Reply January 11, 2013

What's the point of giving you free elo when you're just gonna lose it again

Reply January 11, 2013

@LiveBooger: Okay let's break this down.
Yi is not a great backdoorer. If he get's say stunned or knocked up you're dead as you are squishy. A scenario would be you pushing inhibitor and a Nautilus flash ults you, a talon ten cutthroats youm rakes then ults. You're done. Yi is soso squishy. Champions that can backdoor better would be Teemo(Kite into shrooms to escape) Shaco for obvious reasons, twisted fate(Ultimate and cards work on turrets, even faster at pushing than yi)
High elo was an exaggeration, even at level 20+ you don't see him as he can be shut down so easily.
Okay sure, you didn't say it but stop being so greedy, you'll get it if you can encourage your team mates and help them out. That level 6 thread you just made shows how bad you as a player can be. Sure you can not say anything but at least you should help the 'noobs' to make them get better.
Chat section is not for LoL, seriously, your threads made about LoL are so bad and all you basically do is flame.
You may or may not be a troll but you are seriously sickening. You strive so low, lower than the dirt on the ground.
I am not the judge of chat section or basilmarket but I know one thing for sure, Chat section is not for spamming LoL threads. I don't mind achievement threads or such but I hate your stupid flaming/crying/QQ-ing. I hate 'Which champion should I play?'
Sure my opnion does not matter but why can't people do a simple google search to find what champs are good.
Why do you have to call everyone noobs/unskilled players?
You know, you are the epicenter of what makes a bad community.

Reply January 11, 2013

[quote=Tabuza]Dota2 anyone? lol XD.[/quote]

We should definitely change the topic.

Reply January 11, 2013

@mokuren: Alright, I know how it is with women and arguements.
I give up.

Reply January 11, 2013

@mokuren: Wow, I'm not mad seriously.
These zoneflare threads will only last like an hour then it will die down.
League is such a big thing there are like at least 5 threads made about it a day(24h).
What I have against them is they're so annoying. I'm damn serious. Does he really think Basiltrolls will cheer him up?
Also, as those threads I mentioned before, why are people so damn lazy.
Ahri or kha zix: or or
Good beginner champs: just look at the second comment. it gets better, you can search it up and people even divide it into good starter junglers, supports, top, AP or adc.
Good champs to climb elo with.
Just...Why basil?

Reply January 11, 2013

[quote=TurtleSlaves]@ltachifire: Yeah man I respect you, normally your League posts are bearable but i dunno why you posted this one.
I also like your stream a lot and i'm usually on it but you shouldn't advertise it here, League general discussion and reddit/r/lolstreams are nice places to advertise.[/quote]

I posted it because i was sad. There are so many QQ threads on Basil i didn't think it would be that bad if i posted one.

Reply January 11, 2013

@ltachifire: Yeah man I respect you, normally your League posts are bearable but i dunno why you posted this one.
I also like your stream a lot and i'm usually on it but you shouldn't advertise it here, League general discussion and reddit/r/lolstreams are nice places to advertise.

Reply January 11, 2013

[quote=TurtleSlaves]@mokuren: Well, what is the point tell people you're bad at LoL? Wanting people to pity him is what i can come up with.
I know LiveBooger posts league related stuff, Itachifire posts a decent amount.
Don't get me wrong im not flaming but I think these threads are really pointless.
What really is the point of telling people you suck at something.[/quote]

I very very rarely make threads. I don't think i have made more than 4 League threads throughout the history of basil with the exception of my stream.

Reply January 11, 2013

@LiveBooger: No dude, it's actually annoying, ESPECIALLY you.
why no honor wtf noob go die: you can get banned for that, it's annoying and rude maybe there is a reason you don't get honor.
Yi backdooring: No one cares, wow man. No one plays yi at high elo he isnt even a great backdoorer.

I can't tell if you're a troll or what but this is really stupid.

@mokuren: Alright then.
Tell me:
Kha zix or Ahri and why?
Why IS he so bad at league?
What are some good starter champs and why?
Im dead serious answer me.
Since you want basil to be taken over by league why not help me out, heck I went on some of those threads and the comments/suggestions are from people that arent even ranked. Oh wait, most people on here are unranked or under 1.2k elo.
Please tell me why you enjoy League threads when you can go on general discussion on LoL forums or reddit?

Reply January 11, 2013 - edited

Guys he is joking. His elo is around 1700+

Reply January 11, 2013 - edited

@mokuren: Im nice, I can keep my chill, It's just annoying. You can't deny it can you?
I go on chat island expecting to see 'check out this music video', 'I love these new headphones', 'Omg new pokemon game!'.
But what i see: 'Wow I suck at lol someone give me elo' 'KHA ZIX OR AHRI?' 'What champion should I play im new?'
you know what's worse? Once on the chat island 5 of the 6 threads was about League Of Legends. Heck why not just make a section for LoL? Hmm, I wonder is it because there is an official website/forums? Or maybe even 5 other sites that provide League entertainment/talk?
I mean I don't mind a league thread [i]once in a while[/i] but this is getting [b]out of hand[/b].
/rant >.<''

Reply January 11, 2013 - edited

@mokuren: Chat section is supposed to be fun/random/things about life that put your mind away from a game. I love chat island because people post cool news/link/pictures/sites etc~
You can't just say if you don't like a thread, don't post in it, if ts is having a bad day why does he need to sob to basil? Will a magical basilmarket fairy pop out and give him diamond?
Sure, I play LoL myself but it gets so annoying when people post LoL thread on here.
There's so many sites you can use..
gamespot etcetc..

Reply January 11, 2013 - edited

you want elo? Play Jax, Morde, Draven.
all i needa say.

Reply January 11, 2013 - edited

@mokuren: Well, what is the point tell people you're bad at LoL? Wanting people to pity him is what i can come up with.
I know LiveBooger posts league related stuff, Itachifire posts a decent amount.
Don't get me wrong im not flaming but I think these threads are really pointless.
What really is the point of telling people you suck at something.

Reply January 11, 2013 - edited

bong chong

Reply January 11, 2013 - edited

[quote=TurtleSlaves]Why do you always post stuff about league?
We try keep chat island league free but you make posts almost as if you wanna gain attention.
You're probably one of the best league players on basil stop showing off.[/quote]

Not showing off. Just sad.

Reply January 11, 2013 - edited

Why do you always post stuff about league?
We try keep chat island league free but you make posts almost as if you wanna gain attention.
You're probably one of the best league players on basil stop showing off.

Reply January 11, 2013 - edited

Doesn't work like that. ELO doesn't grow on trees, y'know.

Reply January 11, 2013 - edited


Reply January 11, 2013 - edited

play support

Reply January 11, 2013 - edited