

What drops Paralyze 30? post-BB

I've been searching it forever like every other F/P.. I've searched for hours at levi and werewolves. I just want to know are there any confirmed drops bost big bang at either of these places? Or any other place besides GPQ because no one does that anymore... and if you have one in Broa I'll be happy to buy it haha. Thank you in advanced x)

December 25, 2010

2 Comments • Newest first


yeah werewolves drop paralyze 30, not sure about leviathan...he never droped it for me even before big bang...stupid ugly dragon...but yeah werewolves is good, also use another job other than mage to hunt friend found one in 20minutes on a BM while i looked for 8 hours and didnt find it..but i did get CL30

Reply December 28, 2010

Werewolf is confirmed. I don't think lev still drops para30

Reply December 26, 2010