
Do you think DemonSlayers are over-powered?

I have created my DemonSlayer character on the day it got released and I find it very mobile, strong and easy to fund. It stayed strong after it got nerfed on my opinion though luminous can KS me so do you find DemonSlayers over-powered?
[b]In brief: Do you find DemonSlayers over-powered?(Please include reasons)[/b]

January 4, 2013

12 Comments • Newest first


They're a well rounded class and shine in mobility and mobbing more so than attacking. I feel like the demon avenger class in kms will sadly shun them in the nearish future sadly just because demon avengers have the best survivability (hp wise) out of all warrior classes and seem to be geared as more capable attackers than their demonslayer counterpart.

Reply January 4, 2013

overall demon slayers are average, depending on some thing somewhat above average or somewhat under average but my damage was nearly cut in half with the nerf we got so to answer your question no we are not overpowered especially not by today's standards with AB coming out in like 5 days

Reply January 4, 2013

still kses a lumi in alien lol

Reply January 4, 2013

well I don't like having Demon Slayers in Nett's Pyramid PQ...Unless they're "funded", the rest of us usually has to go help out.
This is coming from a hobo that picks up mesos on the ground, and uses event stuff.

But they're certainly OP in other stuff. I think that Demon Cry thingy's pretty good, and they do pretty well in PVP.

Reply January 4, 2013 - edited

Leech Aura needs to be revamped b/c its worthless now.

Reply January 4, 2013 - edited

[quote=2blades1pie]No i don't, i just think people cry too much over the fact that Demon Cry doesn't have a CD.[/quote] It does not have a cool down but it drains 60 fury( half the fury gauge) so it can only be used two times in a row(Unless boundless raged is activated which makes fury infinite for 30 seconds if maxed but it has a 300 seconds cool down in case it is maxed) then you will need at least 5-15 seconds if you want to get 60 fury back so it is considered a cool down.
[quote=dausu]Not as of now, but we will be once again.

..Soon.[/quote] What do you mean? THEY WILL GET REVAMPED?

Reply January 4, 2013 - edited

They were more op before... Well i didn't need pots because of skills after a patch i did

Reply January 4, 2013 - edited

I think they're balanced. DSs at lhc really stink, but thats cuz nobody pays attention to the class so theres no more good players. Their % Damages are average. They have some nice survivablity though. They got some stuff from everything, but not too much.

Reply January 4, 2013 - edited

Waiting for Shadow Partner Hyper Skills...

OT: No.

Reply January 4, 2013 - edited

Nope. I think they're a pretty well-balanced class-- good at a lot of things, but an expert at nothing (Status Resist aside).
Once they get buffed, though, they'll become stupidly overpowered... (And this is coming from a Demon Slayer main...)

Reply January 4, 2013 - edited

Sorry dude, but my aran (equal funding and level to my slayer) dishes out 3-4x the DS dps

Reply January 4, 2013 - edited

No i don't, i just think people cry too much over the fact that Demon Cry doesn't have a CD.

Reply January 4, 2013 - edited