
Just a friendly warning about a scammer

KannaNoMiko of Bera is a scammer and a hacker!
Just a friendly advance warning!

Edit: by hacking, i'm referring to kami and godmode!
and by scamming, i just watched her leech scam and proceed to scam some new players out of their equips, despite my urgent pleas

Edit2: I am unable to provide proof! I apologize for not ss-ing her in the act.
I do realize most of you wont believe me, which is fine I guess. But as long as she is prevented from scamming one person, I'm fine with that.

March 7, 2013

7 Comments • Newest first


[quote=hobos102]I like how most of the scammer warnings are on Kanna's...[/quote]

If you use a new character, then people cannot track you back to your main.

Reply March 7, 2013

@KaisersBlaze Than don't give a damn. Honestly it's pretty hard to prove a scammer and a hacker.

Reply March 7, 2013

It's not scamming if he used a really good persuasive speech

Reply March 7, 2013

We do not give a dam if you don't provide proof.

Reply March 7, 2013

I like how most of the scammer warnings are on Kanna's...

Reply March 7, 2013

He scammed you and hacked you?
Sucks for you...

Reply March 7, 2013