Norris 1850198 lbs Raw, 83990kgs 19 years old, Alltime WR in total and squat


Just when you think you are beast in the gym

Then come these people. And, no he isn't on roids.

February 7, 2013

17 Comments • Newest first


Amazing, and impressive in terms of raw strength, genetics, dedication, knowledge, and his young age...
But let's not kid ourselves, no matter how young he started lifting and how perfect his diet is, he's not natty. I'm not even one to care if someone uses but people often think this is attainable to some degree, when in reality you can't even achieve a quarter of this prestige in powerlifting, given the only variable is gear.
srs this guy's a monster, but, yeah, he's supplementing his training with some Tour de France.

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited

His body looks gross.

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited

@fun2killu, I can understand where you are coming from, I also used to look up youtube videos for help, but the help you get is minimal. So I often ask people (the really strong ones who knows what they are doing) for advice. Yes they look intimidating, but most of them are real nice people. Most though, there is always that one stuck up guy.

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited

@xdwow: Not everybody is lucky enough to have help when they start training. I know when my cousin started to work out, he didn't have anybody helping him. He used youtube videos. Sure those video told him how to do it, but they didn't tell him if he was doing it properly or not.

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited

@fun2killu, training with good form is a given, I mean you have to be that stupid to lift with form that could potentially disable for life. But you are right tho, there are always those guys who likes to do the "go big or go home" routine, and they end up getting all kinds of spinal injury. As for jesse, his uncle trained him, so jesse was under good guidance.

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited

@xdwow: heavy weightlifting will stunt your growth ins't bs. It all depends how much you lift and your form. You don't know how he trained when he was younger, so you cannot come up with that conclusion.

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited

@Zunoku, Oh snap you're right, better start doing them half-squats with like an inch rom.

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited

[quote=xdwow]@mikerule1134, nah man I only go the gym to do bicep curls and bench press all day (since they are the only exercise I know). Legs? Who cares about legs, girls only like them guys with them pecs and bicep. ./sarcasm[/quote]

We like to label people that do that "BPO"s.
And just think: The more muscle you have (your legs are MUCH bigger and have MUCH more muscle mass than your arms), the more calories you burn while sitting there. Meaning less fat. Meaning your muscular arms and chest are more toned and girls fall for you more.
So working your legs can ultimately lead to stronger-looking arms. :>

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited

@msjazz, what's really amazing is his squat, cuz powerlifters typically use a wider stance (more hip power, less quad, and range of motion), while this guy uses an olympic stance and does his squats with qualified depth at weights I be dreaming off (approx 2x of my max atm)

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited

He's 19 and benchpresses 2x compared to me

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited

@blackwest, his uncle (who is also a powerlifter, i think his entire family are powerlifters, even teh females), trained him when he was a kid,so this guy's been training for years. I only wished I started lifting when I around his age too. Also this proves that "Heavy weightlifting stuns growth" is bullsh1%

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited

abs 2

nooooo never skip leg days

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited

Jesse [b]Norris[/b]. Never knew Chuck had kids.

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited

@mikerule1134, nah man I only go the gym to do bicep curls and bench press all day (since they are the only exercise I know). Legs? Who cares about legs, girls only like them guys with them pecs and bicep. ./sarcasm

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited

dude he could probably lift 3 of me with one arm. o.o

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited

@primalfury, I see nothing wrong with it, a deadlift issafe as long as your lower back isn't bent, if u look carefully only his upper back bends which is normal if you watch powerlifters compete. This guy is strong as hell.

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited

I was gonna say "Do you even Lift" but then that joke is too mainstream

Reply February 7, 2013 - edited