

How to get 170 Luk?

Hello there,

I made an evan a couple of days ago and I want to buy the full empress set for it, but I have one problem and that is the 170 LUK requirement. I have 50 base luk, and I really don't want to add more points into luk. So how will I get my LUK up all the way to 170?

Thanks for your help!

September 3, 2012

7 Comments • Newest first


It should be in a couple of patches, near the end of this year or beginning of next year.

Reply September 5, 2012

Don't rely on potential. If I get potential locked by a boss, it will disable all ur empress equips. Level the crusader codex. Get the rising sun set and a HTP. These will help u get the luck requirements. Also u can try stat stepping (recommended by jolteon7 I think was his account name). Use a luck potion and equip a full empress set. As long as the empress set gives enough luck to equip itself once the potion runs out, this strategy is very effective. Also use inner abilities.

Reply September 3, 2012

[quote=Morokoo]Don't do it! Just wait until the Secondary Stat Requirement on equipment is removed in the Prelude to Tempest patch.
Saves money and trouble, just have to wait awhile. xD[/quote]

Really? When will this be implemented?

Thanks a lot for all your help!

Reply September 3, 2012

Don't do it! Just wait until the Secondary Stat Requirement on equipment is removed in the Prelude to Tempest patch.
Saves money and trouble, just have to wait awhile. xD

Reply September 3, 2012

Actually, it's complete fact that secondary stats will be removed for equips.

Anyway, I have 4 base luk and I managed to hit 150, which with Monkey Magic brought me to 170.
~Listing Equips

23 luk from rings.
6 luk from a Ruby Pendant, 6 luk from Crusader Codex.
5 luk from Dep Star.
3 luk from belt.
10 luk from helmet.
7 luk from shoes, 9 luk from gloves (Potential).
~Too lazy to finish.

Regardless, leave your base luk at 50.

Reply September 3, 2012 - edited

well, depends on how funded u are.

If you are okay-ish-funded, then getting a full rising sun set (clean & average) = 59 luk already, then 3 more rings (if evo I 17+ II 17 + III 10) = 27 luk, silent crusade champ medal = 2 luk, gallant battle manual +5. These add up to 143 (including your 50 base luk). For the remaining 27, you can probably acquire them using all % pots on your equips/accessories, or even MW (? not sure if this works), all % nebulites, monster card sets, codex etc etc.

Of course, if you are well-funded, go for a perfectly-scrolled dominator pendant (should give at least +40 all already) + full rising sun set (59)+ high lord & oracle & evo III 10 (5+5 +15+10) and these alone will suffice.

Or...if may need to add more into luk..but then there's RUMOUR that the secondary stats requirement on equips will be removed soon.

Reply September 3, 2012 - edited

% all stat stuff is your friend.

Reply September 3, 2012 - edited