

1 handed vs. 2 handed

which one would be overall better for a white knight who only have about 150mil?

December 26, 2010

2 Comments • Newest first


well i have another question now, I currently have a 102 atk maple soul rohen (the one u see on my charecter) if i were to sell or trade it what should i get with the profits or what item(s) should i get with it(i also have a 6%int 2%luck ele wand 3 to sell so thats more mesos)

Reply December 26, 2010

Typically, you could switch back and for on 1h and 2h till you're close to 4th job. Because by then, you would of had you're core 3rd job skills maxed and then yuou'd start working on shield mastery.

In my opinion, max out the core skills first (fire, ice, lightning charge and charged blow), then make a decision between shield mastery or hp recov+combat orders and work from there. Once shield mastery is maxed, you should be running 1h+shield from then on and to only switch when you feel like moving like molasses.

Reply December 26, 2010