

Your trails from your parents

As i am growing older i tends to see a lot of myself in my parents. One traits that i
realized they left in me is my mood. I am tend to be really grumpy and depressing most of the time... o.o
So question, what traits have you gotten from your parents?
Mood, Personality, neatness, unable to make up your mind, time?

March 7, 2013

16 Comments • Newest first


i honestly have no idea.

Reply March 7, 2013

never knew personality can be inherited, i just thought that you get it from them just because you're with them most of the time

Reply March 7, 2013

Supposedly I got my modesty from my dad. I'm not much of a showoff or anything irl.
My dad and I have quick tempers too.

Reply March 7, 2013

probably short temper from my mom. i think i get math-mindedness from my dad

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

[quote=NonSonoFronz]I am so much like my father, it's actually pretty crazy.
It's ironic because for years I've been saying "I'LL NEVER BE LIKE MY FATHER!" Lawl, nope.[/quote]

Yea when i was young i hate my parents, and now i am just like them

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

@goldyboi: how did you knew that? oh wait. no. he have no problem in he eyes.

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

I am so much like my father, it's actually pretty crazy.
It's ironic because for years I've been saying "I'LL NEVER BE LIKE MY FATHER!" Lawl, nope.

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

[quote=UsoppStyle]i got a D. and 2 Balls. traits from dad. does that count?[/quote]

If it makes you feel any better, you father was asian.

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

Nothing like my mother... however slightly like my father.

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

My entrails function in the same way as my parents, yes.

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

[quote=PaintingOrange]Slam my head onto my desk[/quote]

I lol'd. It's ok haha

I tutor math classes during their school day at a nearby high school, and some of the things I catch myself saying remind me of my dad when he would help me with math from time to time. It's kinda strange, but it's not like I'm picking up any bad traits from him

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

i got a D. and 2 Balls. traits from dad. does that count?

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

All I know is my mother's side, and I get my sense of superiority from them.
Sadly, I've yet to been proven wrong about it by those around me, so it'll slowly get worse until I think I'm better than everyone.

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited


Slam my head onto my desk

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited


Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

Like most the same foods as my dad. I get anxiety a lot like my mom. There's so much. o.o

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited