
Questions about potential items/scrolling

So I jade some questions.

1) what does using a potential scroll exactly do to an item?

2) what do miracle cubes do?

My thought right now is that potential scrolling an item gives it a random set of potential stats and that miracle cubes reset the stats to give the item hidden potential again. Am I also correct in thinking that using a miracle cube doesn't change the number of lines of potential stats that the item has?

I'd also appreciate any other additional info about the subject. Ty

November 27, 2010

2 Comments • Newest first


Thanks for answering so am I also right about the amount of lines staying the same even wen u cube?

Reply November 27, 2010

1. Gives it hidden potential, which can then be revealed using a magnifying glass.
2. Resets the revealed potential back to hidden so you have another chance at getting better potential.
So yeah you're right on all things.

Reply November 27, 2010