
What do i do 10k NX

What do i do with 10k nx?
I got some ideas but i need ur opinion.
I want a good nx-to-meso conversion.
I got hacked recently and want a zhelm and other things.

1. Buy Att Wgs and sell them.
And wat ATT and plz give prices for scania.
2. Go gaching and where?
I will make a follow-up thread if i choose this to say wat i got.
3. Any other ideas and if so plz specify.

December 30, 2010

2 Comments • Newest first


10 Att Wg? Sells for 180m-160m I think.

Reply January 7, 2011

[quote=sk8aninja]Hmm don't do gach if you really need money. I just went on a 75k gach run and got nothing. I wanted Specs D:[/quote]

u coulda just brought one in mts. for cheaper..

Reply January 7, 2011