
Take the Risk or Go safe?

I have this 138atk Clean Empress 2h Sword that I'm making for Kaiser.
Sadly, in Bera, 2h Sword GM scrolls are gone. I only have 1.8bil atm, so should I just
go merch more and get 2.5-3.5bil to scroll the sword? I plan to 50% Pink + WS. Another thing is,
will WS drop even more in Bera? So, there are 3 ways to go here.
#1. Find some GM scrolls which are RARE.
#2. Get richer and 50% pink + Whites
#3. Buy a Prescrolled Endgame 189+ 2H sword

August 1, 2012

3 Comments • Newest first


I wish I was in Broa. Bera's GM 2hs are extinct. This guy named
McScrollin sells service but He ran out of GM 2H sword.

Reply August 1, 2012

I'm not lazy, I search FM everyday, every 4hrs. @Clouding and I have been searching
for awhile now. The only sellers are in GS, but I don't have an account to contact.
@dcf611 I've been smegaing and been searching for service. No luck.

Reply August 1, 2012

Kaiser won't be here in GMS for a while, so I suggest you just take it slow and do the 50% Pink + WS. If you manage to find 2h Sword GM Scrolls then go ahead and use them.

Reply August 1, 2012