

What is the point of life?


October 26, 2012

20 Comments • Newest first


whatever you want it to be

Reply October 27, 2012

whats up with stupid kids asking emo questions that cant even be answered

Reply October 27, 2012 - edited

To try to mean something.

Reply October 27, 2012 - edited

I said this on another similar thread about a month back. There is no meaning to life. We are alive simply because there is the possibility of life. If there are two paths, it could be two different planets or even two different universes, one having life and the other doesn't, then you cannot physically experience no life. Therefore, the only possible path you can take, that you can experience, is that of life. There is no meaning. You are not important nor were you meant to do anything important. Everything you do will be in vain because not only will you die in time, your friends and loved ones will too. After billions and billions of years, the human race will also die off. There is no meaning.

Reply October 27, 2012 - edited

The point of life is to find out the point of life.
We're only born to find out the point of life.

Reply October 26, 2012 - edited

The point of living is sharing happiness together with another person.
Enjoying that time with said other doing things you both enjoy.

Reply October 26, 2012 - edited


Would it be just as insulting to call you the opposite? Instead of smartass, being dumbass. I'd rather not. My replies have been nothing but serious this entire time.

If your question means something else, please tell me. Is this a cry of help? Are you planning on killing yourself and are wondering "Why shouldn't I die?"

Or maybe your real question is "Why do bad people exist?"

The point of life is simple. People just like to over complicate things.

Reply October 26, 2012 - edited

@ehnogi: -_- ........ someone wants to be a smartass today...

Reply October 26, 2012 - edited

[url=]Don't worry.[/url]

Reply October 26, 2012 - edited

[quote=qtprincessxoxo]garlic bread, Russian women, whiskey, raves, picking heavy chit up and putting it back down, and computer science[/quote]

This man..he knows what hes saying.

Reply October 26, 2012 - edited


What do you mean. Are you trolling?
The "metaphorical" point of life is the same as any literal point of life. Is "life" supposed to mean something else? I don't get it.

Reply October 26, 2012 - edited

@EvertonFC: I believe that but... if God knows what's going to happen anyway, why doesn't he just send us straight to heaven/hell?
As a matter of fact, why doesn't he just skip the whole process and send everyone to heaven?

Reply October 26, 2012 - edited

@HomeFront: I can't find anyone who sells the tree.

@ehnogi: you do know i'm speaking metaphorically?

Reply October 26, 2012 - edited


The point of living comes after we've been born.

If we never lived, it wouldn't even occur to us. Unfortunately, we don't have a choice in the matter until later on in life. Some people call it suicide.

Reply October 26, 2012 - edited

@ehnogi: What's the point of living? Why live instead of never live?

Reply October 26, 2012 - edited

I want to be the very best that no one was ever was

Reply October 26, 2012 - edited


There is no point of life if you're dead. Life only matters to the living.

Reply October 26, 2012 - edited

@hawg: But there are so many things in this world that you just [b]can't[/b] be happy about.

[url=]I can't be happy when people like this exist...[/url]

@TheAxelFenrir: Oh yeah, how could I forget <3

@ehnogi: But couldn't it all be avoided if we were just never [i]alive[/i]?

Reply October 26, 2012 - edited

To be satisfied and cater to your primary and secondary instincts.

The primary being survival and secondary being reproduction. There are tertiary subjects like being happy, but that is vaguely relative; to each his own.

Reply October 26, 2012 - edited