

120+ skill build help

So after BB I've decided to max magic mastery first. After that I was wondering what skill I should max after that. If I go for MW I will probably only be able to get to 10 possibly 20 if i'm lucky. As for illusion i'm not really sure how useful a 1v1 skill is since I don't go on many boss runs. I'm not sure how good flame wheel is either since it seems earthquake would be better.
Thanks for any advice you can give me

December 24, 2010

2 Comments • Newest first


Thanks for the help ^^

Reply December 26, 2010

At 120, get at least 1 flame wheel. The range alone is enough to want it.

Earthquake and FW have the same damage %'s at max, iirc. Earthquake is really for monsters surrounding you (on both sides that is), and flame wheel can be used for clearing longer platforms, or things out of EQ's range.
A perfect example is Grim phantom watches, where theyre both used.

But yeah, after MM, go with FW and then do MW.

Reply December 24, 2010