

Lol players. Which Adc champ would you recommend?

Currently, my teammates and I always have a lack of an ADC.

Which ADC would you guys recommend and why? I'm looking at Ezreal at the moment.

Thanks in advance!

February 4, 2013

9 Comments • Newest first


graves isn't reliable and easy to gank, the best adc would be trist late game, dont say vayne is better than her because she isn't. Twitch is easy to counter with just oracles or pink ward and very squishy. Your best bet is learn cait, mf or draven. Cait has high range, nice escape and a good ult to start off team fights or pick off failed ganks. Mf has safe harass, easy to play, and a good ult that turns team fights around. Draven is draven.

Reply February 10, 2013

graves is king of bot lane. Bought him on my smurf and win games by just using him .___.
Just got like
+19 armor
rest ad runes

Typical ad bot masteries


Game build:

on spawn: Longsword rest hp potions
on 1st back: probably enough to get a vamp scepter and boots (don't forget to buy hp potions and a ward)
Next back: hopefully your jungler has ganked by not and you have enough to get boots (berserkers if you can) and 2 doran blades
Full end game build?: well tbh i never get a "full build," game usually ends by the time i get my IE. Most games end with 2doran blades, bt, ga, some components of IE or full IE.

Reply February 6, 2013

Ezreal, Twitch, MF, Vayne & Cait.

Really all you need to learn.

Reply February 5, 2013

Vayne > Twitch. Kog and Trist are up there too.

I'll go through all of them, i guess.

Ashe - Permaslow, ult, vision. Otherwise, damage wise she's pretty lackluster. She stomps noobs though. (Pre-level 20s/30s)
Caitlyn - OP (Half serious). Doesn't lose laning phase to anybody aside from Sivir or Kog. However, if she is paired with Nunu it's almost impossible to lose.
Corki - Used to be very reliable. Now he's fallen out of favor; nerfs hit him hard. He has one of the best escapes, but his damage isn't too high but his mana costs are. He's a jack of all trades. Not really the best at anything.
Draven - Best early game damage of all ADCs. However, his kit causes him to have bad positioning. Fun but not too reliable.
Ezreal - Safest ADC by far. Arcane shift makes him annoying to gank and difficult to kill. However, he lacks bursts, but he has *decent* poke with his Q. Nothing to special in terms of damage, but if he gets ahead it's hard to catch him.
Graves - High burst. Buckshot is amazing. He's the tankiest ADC. He can deal a lot of damage, but his escape isn't as good as Ezreal or Corki, but at least he has one. He deals very high burst, and can turn team fights around.
Kog'Maw - Pretty weak early/mid game. He doesn't really lose lane either, because of his auto attack range buff. However, he has NO escape and is usually easy to gank. Late game he's one of the best ADCs and has high poke.
Miss Fortune - Gaining tons of popularity these days. She has safe harass and bullies in lane, and her ult hurts. Easily can win team fights and turn ganks around.

ADCs i don't know much about:
Sivir - Decent harass and a really good shield.
Trist - High early game burst, meh mid game, amazing late game.
Twitch - Annoying stealth, has probably the best AOE farm of the ADCs, highest range w/ his ultimate active. He's gaining popularity too.
Urgot - Can be built very tanky, huge lane bully. People usually build him with manamune. He's quite hard to handle. Urgot + Taric is very strong even now.
Varus - High poke + burst. His ult is a good snare that catches people off guard.
Vayne - Worst early game of all ADCs by far. But, if she survives laning phase she becomes the late game beast everyone knows Vayne by. Destroys tanks, squishies, and doesn't lose 1v1s to anyone.[/quote]

Wow! Thanks for the detailed info! It's boiled down to Ezreal and Graves. Graves is free this week so i'll give him a shot. People are saying that Graves got extremely nerfed. I'm leaning more towards Ez because i'm not that bad with skillshotting since i managed to get 15 kills with Kog'Maw the first time i've played him.

Reply February 5, 2013

[quote=Kunhito]Twitch is the hardest scaling adc (better than vayne) so pick him. Also never play Corki with the trin force nerf he is complete garbage.[/quote]

Vayne > Twitch. Kog and Trist are up there too.

I'll go through all of them, i guess.

Ashe - Permaslow, ult, vision. Otherwise, damage wise she's pretty lackluster. She stomps noobs though. (Pre-level 20s/30s)
Caitlyn - OP (Half serious). Doesn't lose laning phase to anybody aside from Sivir or Kog. However, if she is paired with Nunu it's almost impossible to lose.
Corki - Used to be very reliable. Now he's fallen out of favor; nerfs hit him hard. He has one of the best escapes, but his damage isn't too high but his mana costs are. He's a jack of all trades. Not really the best at anything.
Draven - Best early game damage of all ADCs. However, his kit causes him to have bad positioning. Fun but not too reliable.
Ezreal - Safest ADC by far. Arcane shift makes him annoying to gank and difficult to kill. However, he lacks bursts, but he has *decent* poke with his Q. Nothing to special in terms of damage, but if he gets ahead it's hard to catch him.
Graves - High burst. Buckshot is amazing. He's the tankiest ADC. He can deal a lot of damage, but his escape isn't as good as Ezreal or Corki, but at least he has one. He deals very high burst, and can turn team fights around.
Kog'Maw - Pretty weak early/mid game. He doesn't really lose lane either, because of his auto attack range buff. However, he has NO escape and is usually easy to gank. Late game he's one of the best ADCs and has high poke.
Miss Fortune - Gaining tons of popularity these days. She has safe harass and bullies in lane, and her ult hurts. Easily can win team fights and turn ganks around.

ADCs i don't know much about:
Sivir - Decent harass and a really good shield.
Trist - High early game burst, meh mid game, amazing late game.
Twitch - Annoying stealth, has probably the best AOE farm of the ADCs, highest range w/ his ultimate active. He's gaining popularity too.
Urgot - Can be built very tanky, huge lane bully. People usually build him with manamune. He's quite hard to handle. Urgot + Taric is very strong even now.
Varus - High poke + burst. His ult is a good snare that catches people off guard.
Vayne - Worst early game of all ADCs by far. But, if she survives laning phase she becomes the late game beast everyone knows Vayne by. Destroys tanks, squishies, and doesn't lose 1v1s to anyone.

Reply February 5, 2013 - edited

puslefire? where?

Reply February 5, 2013 - edited

i play Soraka ADC

Reply February 4, 2013 - edited

Draven, no contest.

Reply February 4, 2013 - edited

all-purpose: corki, ezreal, graves, MF
insane late game but poor in lane: kog, vayne, twitch
draven: draven

Reply February 4, 2013 - edited