

Best Way to Perfect a Weapon?

So I'm thinking about getting the 1h sword version of those new 150 weapons and perfecting it. If I was to do this, 1) How do I get the 150 weapon? 2) What's the best way to scroll weapons these days? and 3) What shield should I get with it? Thanks for any help

P.S. Why does my hero have like 70 skill points to put in now I maxed ACA Brave Slash Power Stance Enrage Combat Advanced Final Attack and all that and I still have around 70

February 7, 2013

1 Comment • Newest first


Brave slash? Isn't it Raging Blow now?
And Nexon's job advancement level cuts mean that you have like 20 skill points left over even after maxing the useless skills in earlier jobs.

Reply February 7, 2013