
How can i kill Oberon ?

My 131 Lumi keeps dying there, she has an attack that one hits me.
Is there a way i can get her ?

February 2, 2013

13 Comments • Newest first


[quote=GekkeGerrit]How can i see it wears off ?[/quote]

The DR icon dissappears...

Reply February 3, 2013

[quote=GraveJokerR]She casts DR after her hp is around half.
Slow your attacking then, to only when she attacks.
When she casts, stop.
After it wears off, spam her.
Her next buff after DR will be a healing one.[/quote]

How can i see it wears off ?

Reply February 3, 2013

She casts DR after her hp is around half.
Slow your attacking then, to only when she attacks.
When she casts, stop.
After it wears off, spam her.
Her next buff after DR will be a healing one.

Reply February 3, 2013

[quote=GekkeGerrit]does anyone know what het DR image is ? Or else, i guess i just have to wait.
Thx all for your input.[/quote]

[url=]The purple sword icon on top of Pink Bean[/url]

Reply February 3, 2013

It's not the boss that kill you, it's you who kills yourself.

Reply February 3, 2013

does anyone know what het DR image is ? Or else, i guess i just have to wait.
Thx all for your input.

Reply February 3, 2013

yeah as everybody else is saying another good idea is just to wait a couple levels until you're way stronger than her

Reply February 3, 2013

get to 140
get empress
own her @s off

Reply February 2, 2013

[quote=MarkSomething]My advice would be to use apocalypse, because it's a slower attack, easier to stop when she uses damage reflect. I usually just hit her, wait a second, hit her, wait a second, and keep doing it that way so I can can keep an eye on her.[/quote]

I like this advice. Apocalypse is a very slow casting (yet hard-hitting) attack. Because it takes a long time for the spell to attack, it is more likely that she will cast DR while you are in the middle of casting Apocalypse, and that hit will still ignore the DR (because it was cast before she cast DR). By then, you should be aware of the DR symbol and stop attacking.

Reply February 2, 2013

If you want to be cautious, only attack when she's attacking which ensures you have a window to see her damage reflect.

Reply February 2, 2013

I just went to Leafre Channel1 and two lv200 people wanted to help me so we killed her in seconds. Go friendly people!

Reply February 2, 2013

Or level to 150, fund yourself, and kill her instantaneously.
Just trying to get all your options out.

Reply February 2, 2013

i usually find that you can't notice any damage reflect animation and the icon doesn't show up until a few seconds already after it has been activated. you just gotta see when you're getting hit and stop immediately. it was easier on a dark knight because he had 20k hp but mages...

Reply February 2, 2013