
First Pap Solo!

I just soloed pap for the first time without d/cing!
*is happy*

EDIT: I know it's not that special, but I was under a couple constraints...
I ran away from pap every time he or the hp bar started blinking, so it wasn't exactly a speed run. I also started 20 minutes into my 30 minute online session, so I had to balance risking d/cing and doing damage or losing time running around. I killed him a little after my first warrior elixir, so it took 8~9 minutes?
Don't compare yourself to me =.= i know you can do better.

December 17, 2010

2 Comments • Newest first


Papulatus is way too easy nowadays... Took me about 30 minutes before Big Bang to solo. Now it takes more like 3.

Reply December 17, 2010

In how much time?

Reply December 17, 2010