
Been a long time

Hi guys, its been a long time since ive played maple. i really just want to know whats up. Still heavily pay to win game? if so would like $250 nx get me started?
Best Class to make? Any tips? Thanks

August 16, 2014

2 Comments • Newest first


Everything changed when the fire nation attacked

Reply August 16, 2014

I mean if you're into bossing you should probably consider spending NX.
You can still enjoy the rest of the game just fine without spending a penny.

I don't know the last time you were online, but they have added a lot of high level content such as theme dungeons, pqs, and questlines for high level players. (Like 160+).
Unfortunately, finding people to do them with may be a problem since a large portion of the maple community is still in the "mindlessly grind until you die" mindset.

Honestly, people always list their favorite classes as the best to play, but if you just want a character that you don't have to pour tons of resources into to enjoy Demon Avenger and Xenon are your two best choices.

Demon Avenger's main stat is HP, so getting high damage off of equips is no problem.
Xenon uses STR, DEX, and LUK, which again is not an issue since almost all medals, theme dungeon items, badges, etc, give +all stats.

This just assuming you're not a hardcore mapler.

Reply August 16, 2014