
Is it just me or

When I just learned that phantoms can steal skills and use it on other players, I thought of the pokemon ditto since it can transform and have the pokemon's skills. Anyone else think of that or is it just in my head. o.o

February 26, 2012

4 Comments • Newest first



Thanks for the info.

Reply February 28, 2012

You know, if you play the pokemon ditto, you have to transform to the opponent and once you do that, you'll have the exact skills as the opponent
Phantom is kinda like the same thing: It takes the exact skills from a player and can use it as its own.

Reply February 28, 2012

Does anyone know if a phantom steals HS or Rage if they buff the party or if its a self buff? I'm just curious

Reply February 28, 2012


if you need more explanation than that, you probably dont know pokemon.

Reply February 28, 2012