

Paladin buids and atk range

My attack range is from about 3.7k-6k somewhat funded, just recently leveled to 120 and became a paladin. I hit about 37k-55k, 55k-75k(crit) but thats with charged blow (fire) on most monsters. I don't have ACB yet but i'm zak-ing for it. Most of my equips have atleast 1wep atk and most have 3% str is it going fine for me or should I be at a more higher range?

Also what's a good bossing build? I currently have HH 1, Blast 1 and achilles 1.
Current books owned: any to get rid of?
HH 30
Monster Mag 20
Achillies 30
Divine charge 20
Rush 30

May 6, 2012

12 Comments • Newest first


ughh dude come on now...Amateurs

Reply May 7, 2012


edit: i read every comment, thanks for all the help

Reply May 7, 2012 - edited

yup get 20 stance at least if you plan on getting it. I went stance 10 on my hero and it was useless lol

Reply May 7, 2012 - edited

[quote=ramenrulz]What is MM? our stance is already like 99% at max i thought or maybe it was 95%. Either way I don't get bounced around at all.

endgame weps:
empress 1h sword
vip 1h sword
reverse/timeless sword
depends on what your satisfied with for endgame[/quote]

you forgot agares as a possible end game :]

Reply May 7, 2012 - edited

You're range is fairly weak, I'm sitting at 14k at lv. 140. Though most of my equips are borrowed from guildies/friends.
Also @ramenrulz suggested a pretty standard a good build.
But here is mine:

First with your 3 SP points put them into Blast, Rush, and ACB.
- Max ACB
- Max Divine Shield
- One point city (Put at least one point into every skill since you have CO)
- 10/20 points into Stance
- Max Blast
- Max Stance
- Max Guardian
- Max Holy Charge
- Max Achilles/HH

Reply May 7, 2012 - edited

Okay I will follow your build thanks for the help and taking time out of your life to help! Also ACB vs Rush which would be a more priority? Also how much into Rush?

PS Heaven'sH just looked Bada** that's why there's 1 into it. I just wanted to see how it worked really.

Reply May 7, 2012 - edited

MM = monster magnet we are getting it sometime later I believe. And stance is changing to 100% at max when MM is given to us. As well as some changes in moves. Is the empress 1h sword worth all the dex put into it to equip it?

PS Didn't have ACB book and felt that rush isn't needed cause I mainly boss with a BowM and a Cannoneer. (At zakum/The Boss etc...) No VL yet.

Reply May 7, 2012 - edited

Really? I don't think I'm too funded considering I haven't spent more than 10m on any of my items. Just most of them have wep atk on them. And I see your point in stance. I read that when pally gets MM their changing stance to 100% which is nice!
Also what are some good weps? 1h of course lol.

Reply May 7, 2012 - edited

Do you want to fall down alot of the time?
Pallys already have enough defense to tank akarium.
Go with the above build.
Also, my range was 5k ish at 140.

Reply May 7, 2012 - edited

wouldnt achilles be better than stance? since it negates 16% i believe.

Reply May 7, 2012 - edited

Any build suggestions? Like on which skill to max first?

Reply May 7, 2012 - edited

We don't get monster magnet for a long time.

We have a couple of months before that, and chances are, it sucks anyway.

Reply May 7, 2012 - edited