

To all my fellow Priests/Bishops

I'm just curious. What annoys you guys the most about Hsing/Blessing in parties?

January 31, 2012

13 Comments • Newest first


I don't like it when I'm trying to HS & the people run away from me. It doesn't get me upset or anything, it's just that I wish highly mobile jobs like Mercedes & DS would stay still for a second in general haha x)

Reply February 12, 2012

[quote=MushyK]I hate taking a shred of dignity to ask a leecher to hs. OH and I hate those people that the EXACT MOMENT a bishop joins the f-ing party they go HSHSHSH HS HSSHS WAI YOU SO SLOW within 5 seconds. Calm your hormones bro. </3[/quote]

Amen bro

Reply February 10, 2012

@itsRichu: Finally a guy that actually speaks the truth!

Reply February 10, 2012

I hate those parties where they make me an attacker and complain that my damage is crappy

Reply February 9, 2012

At this point, nothing. I generally party with friends, watch movies, keep my buffs up, chat in between, and/or attack if our main attacker needs a break.

What used to really bother me was when I was new to the server, didn't know anybody, and partied with foreigners. I'd rather train alone than be in a party where I don't understand what they're talking about.

What currently really grinds my gears is if we have 2 bishops in the party (one as a temp filler), and the other bishop buffs over my buffs. It messes up my timing, then some people's buffs run out if I don't happen to be looking when they buff because I know how long my buffs normally last. laskdfj. </3

Reply February 9, 2012

I hate taking a shred of dignity to ask a leecher to hs. OH and I hate those people that the EXACT MOMENT a bishop joins the f-ing party they go HSHSHSH HS HSSHS WAI YOU SO SLOW within 5 seconds. Calm your hormones bro. </3

Reply February 9, 2012

I hate it when people run off after entering a new map when I'm buffing, then they come back 30 seconds later when theirs runs out. Seriously? You can wait til it needs to get cast again for those who stuck around. The kiddos in Monster Park need to learn that I don't chase people down to buff/heal

Reply February 2, 2012

After HSing and blessing others for so long, you'll get used to it. Besides being in a party with BL/Alliance/Guild is always more fun than
total strangers in my opinion.

Reply February 1, 2012

i dont mind buffing ppl
i usually go around to HS MW and bless ppl myself, i just really hate it when im NOT on my bishop
im in a party
and the bishop AFKs for like 20 minutes, so we kick them
and straight after that they're online again

Reply February 1, 2012

I'm one of the few Bishops that actively keeps my party fully buffed and I'm constantly fighting with my party.

The thing I dislike... Is my low damage.

Reply February 1, 2012

It annoys me when they run away when you're trying to buff them ._. or when they cast their crappy mw over mine D:<
But all and all... it's been great .. TRAIN WITH FRIENDS..

Reply February 1, 2012

Nothing, most people i party with understands that i can do my job well

Reply January 31, 2012

Nothing. Except for the priests/bishops I train with on my other characters who don't keep their party buffed. I don't ask them to go out and attack with their party and go to them to buff like I would on my bishop, just that they don't AFK for 5-10 minutes while my party waits around yelling "HS PLZ "

Reply January 31, 2012