

Booster > Drain.

Drain is capped. Seriously, its not a good skill and people should quit encouraging newbie BMs to put 9 Drain 14 Booster or whatever. Other reasons courtesy of these 2 guys:

[quote=TikeyMasta]Hitting high is actually quite easy for BaMs once you max Battle Mastery. The problem is the the cap on Blood Drain ignores all HP bonuses, so buffs and equips don't matter. Here's what happens with level 3 Blood Drain, since I'm already hitting the healing cap:

[url=]367 HP healed with no HP equips.[/url] (3678 HP, this is my base)
[url=]367 HP healed with HP equips[/url] (4283 HP)
[url=]367 HP healed with HP equips and Conversion[/url] (8566 HP)

Anything above 1% Drain is practically wasted SP because of this cap.[/quote]

[quote=x3Ren]Copy and pasted by me from me.

Booster > Blood Drain.

[b]My reasons?[/b] Fourth Job.

In fourth job, you'll be hitting a lot of damage and Blood Drain level is how long it lasts and how much it drains. 10% HP is the highest you can drain and it takes a % certain portion of the damage you're doing. So in fourth job, you'll be doing pretty high damage already and probably will heal 10% of your hp even at level 1-3. So it works out.

Booster helps your attack speed and it has a longer duration. Instead of activating two buffs at the same time cause of shorter duration, you only need to do that for Blood Drain and what if you don't need blood drain? You just don't have to activate it. And you still have a longer duration of Booster.

If you're extremely funded, all the more reason for booster. Anyways most monsters you train on even at higher levels will do most up to 3k at level 166 or something and 2ks for the lower levels and what not. You'll also have a move to avoid hits at a certain rate. What's healing 500 points if you're going to get killed in 2 - 3 hits right?[/quote]

December 25, 2010

3 Comments • Newest first


all i can say is i can handle booster at 14 cuz it takes like half a second to cast and its not gonna slow down my training or bossing.

Reply December 25, 2010

[quote=Somehow]so what your saying is 3 drain max booster is good?[/quote]
That's what it seems like.

Reply December 25, 2010

[quote=Somehow]so what your saying is 3 drain max booster is good?[/quote]

In the long run, yes

Reply December 25, 2010