
how much are clean tyrant pirate capes?

can i have a pc on a clean tryant pirate cloak? Also when i enchance it how much attack/stat would one aee give? Also how much nx would it cost to scroll one to 7 enchantments?

January 29, 2013

2 Comments • Newest first


ok thanks also how much %dex is a clean tyrant cape equal to? at around level 170 also the shielding wards are like 10k nx each

Reply January 29, 2013

1 star - all stats +19
2 stars - all stats +20
3 stars - all stats +22
4 stars - all stats +25
5 stars - all stats +29
6 stars - att/m.att +9
7 stars - att/m.att +10

So at 7 stars it would be a total of all stats + 115 and att/m.att +19 added from the enhancements

As for cost I think they were about 3k nx each or something around there (not logged in atm so I can't double check), but at the minimum you would need 6 of the scrolls (since the 1st aee is 100% chance). The maximum would depend on your luck with scrolling as the success rate goes down as you pass more aee.

Reply January 29, 2013