

why lucid dreaming is useful

so you'll know when the toilet is not real

and you won't leak on your friend's sofa

thank goodness for multi-layered sweatpants

December 22, 2010

11 Comments • Newest first


[quote=tomshv]Your point is invalid because training abs won't give you a six pack.
Lowering your BF % will.

Sorry had to say that.[/quote]

you say that cuz you're fat XD and you need to reduce that belly first .... still you have to do abs.... and btw it's completly off the topic (sorry had to say that)

OT: what are your thoughts on the difference between astral projection and lucid dream? Isn't lucid dream still a dream while astral projection happens in reality ?

Reply December 23, 2010

Also it prevents someone(Voldemort, Death Eater, etc.) from using Legilimency on you.

Reply December 22, 2010

Well I only use lucid dreaming when I want to have fun with super powers and blow stuff up half naked.

Reply December 22, 2010

lucid means obvious and in this context it just means you realise that your in a dream.

Reply December 22, 2010

[quote=gkdmstjr]abs are easy[/quote]
Yea my point is that you won't get a six pack if you just do abs for one day...

Reply December 22, 2010

[quote=evek]Lucid dream is not as hard as you think it may require one week of practice. After that it's all about the fun you get, the way you see the world will change. The trick is not to give up. Just think of it as a sport or like doing abs...[/quote]

abs are easy

Reply December 22, 2010

Lucid dream is not as hard as you think it may require one week of practice. After that it's all about the fun you get, the way you see the world will change. The trick is not to give up. Just think of it as a sport or like doing abs...

Reply December 22, 2010 - edited

It seems awesome to have one, but isn't it really hard to do it on purpose?

Reply December 22, 2010 - edited

wow. that seems so cool

Reply December 22, 2010 - edited

Orange soda!

Reply December 22, 2010 - edited

whats lucid dreaming?

Reply December 22, 2010 - edited