
Useless maplestory facts

I seem to wonder some times why I notice these things but I'm sure many of you out there have your useless facts.
To be honest most or not all facts on maplestory are useless but some just seem to outweigh others in worthlessness.

-During the Quad blow animation The avatar faces backwards for 1 frame.
-The symbols used in Savage Blow say Cut the sky until it bleeds, kill.
-In Orbis station Pre-BB, there were 10 Columns. Now there are 4.
-Say "Horned Tail" outloud. It doesn't flow as well as "Horn Tail"
-And many many more


December 22, 2010

258 Comments • Newest first



The word Zakum comes from the arabic word Zaqqum, who was a tree that grew in hell , according to the Qur'an[/quote]

Reply February 19, 2011

@shadow4son: Uh, you just disproved your own point. "Not to be confused with Chronos, the personification of time."

Reply February 19, 2011 - edited

[quote=Jazori]The sound made from drinking a pure water is the same sound as usin a potion in Diablo II[/quote]


Reply February 19, 2011 - edited

@MrTouchnGo: uh am I?

Reply February 19, 2011 - edited

@shadow4son: You've been reading too much Percy Jackson. Chronos is completely different from Kronos, or Cronus.

Reply February 19, 2011 - edited

[quote=xShirayuki]I bet not even 1% of the MS population realized that everyone's Mom and Dad died with Big Bang.[/quote]

No I've found em.

Reply February 19, 2011 - edited

[quote=MrTouchnGo]Chronos has something to do with time; i.e. chronology.[/quote]

Kronos* was the ancient Greek Titan... ruler of time. Father of Zues,Hades, and Posideon...

Reply February 19, 2011 - edited

broa is a type of combread made in portugal

Reply February 19, 2011 - edited

[quote=Gorlock897]Story: pre v.55
This is not mine, it is copied, I dont take credit

Chapter 1
Long ago, Victoria Island was ruled by the civilization of the Sharenian. The Sharenian ruled from the heavily forested area in the north of Victoria, where Perion is today. This culture lasted for hundreds of years, and created much of the things that make the Maple World what it is today. The Sharenian Country really did span the entirety of Victoria. The Stone Golems were created to guard their Temple at the southern edge of the island. Even the Sanctuary, deep in the Ant Tunnel, was once an important proving ground for them. But alas, all great things must come to an end, and the Sharenian met their end under the rule of Sharen III. Sharen III was a wise and compassionate man, who ruled fairly and was liked by all. He craved immortality, however, and sought out the Rubian, a precious jewel that brings youth to anyone who owns it. Unfortunately, the Rubian is cursed, and all who possess it meet their end, downtrodden and defeated. Sharen III, being the ruler of the entire nation of Sharenian, inadvertently took it down with him. Perion became the barren, arid wasteland we know it as today. More recently, the Excavation Site and all of the digging going on nearby have not been helping the problem.�

And that is how the world remained, without any major ruling group, until nearly 300 years ago. Alcaster, the famous magician of El Nath, began studying a story passed down for a long time. It told of a great war that took place ages ago, and a legendary book, The Book of Ancient, containing forbidden magic and dark spells, that was used as a weapon in this war. The war, though fought for unknown reasons and between unknown factions, does have a few survivors to this day: The Four Wisemen of Victoria Island. Grendel the Really Old, Athena Pierce, Dances with Balrog and Dark Lord all met during this conflict. Together, they decided to hide The Book of Ancient from everyone. After hiding it, they created a map, and to prevent it from being abused, split the map into four corners, each one keeping a piece.�

Grendel retired to the town in the trees, Ellinia, and began to study black magic. His first attempts at this were to bring straw dolls to life. Black Magic is very dangerous, because if it is misused, the magician risks losing his ability to use spells all together. Black magic dealing with life is especially forbidden, and yet the young Grendel went straight for it. Unfortunately, something went horribly wrong, and the curse of Black Magic leaked into the dolls. Grendel took the Cursed Dolls and sealed them deep in the dungeon, never to be seen again... Or so he hoped. Years later, the Lupin living nearby discovered the cursed dolls and stole them away, causing them to become Zombie Lupin.�

Around this same time, Athena Pierce, wandering the plains of Southern Victoria, came across a small town that was under attack by hordes of powerful monsters, led by Mushmom. She defeated the onslaught singlehandedly, and has since remained there to protect the village of Henesys and teach young beginners the Way of the Archer.�

Getting back to Alcaster, after having someone gather up the 4 map pieces from Victoria's wisemen, he was able to piece the map together using another form of Black Magic. The map revealed that The Book of Ancient was hidden in Orbis Tower. Finally, the book was recovered and Alcaster studied it for a long time. Eventually he discovered a way to seal its forbidden power once and for all using Dark Crystals.�

Chapter 2
Decades ago, there was a legendary hero that roamed the island of Victoria named Tristan. He was well known, but rarely seen, always hunting for the strongest, evilest monsters. One day, Manji of Perion, an up and coming warrior, detected an evil aura emanating from the cave at the center of Victoria Island. He was drawn to it, and began descending deep into the Ant Tunnel.�

Eventually, Manji went so deep into the cave that no light was able to reach and the cave walls began to appear blue. He knew this was dangerous territory, but his sense of adventure kept him on the trail down to the dungeon's end. At the end of the cave, he discovered an ancient sanctuary, long vacant of humans and beginning to crumble. The dark force was coming from the sanctuary, he was certain. Finally, after reaching the last, darkest room of the sanctuary, he saw something: two glowing eyes piercing through the darkness. Yes, it was the fabled Balrog! It flapped its huge wings and grinned devilishly with its sharp teeth.�

Just then, the Balrog started to attack! Manji knew he didn't stand a chance, but it was too late to run. As the Balrog's Claw came crashing down, Manji winced, but felt no blow; he looked up, only to see the legendary hero Tristan there to save him! The hero's sword had a mythical glow that helped it to repel the balrog's dark aura. Tristan and the Balrog fought for quite some time, until he was finally able to gain an advantage, and knocked the Balrog into a pit. Tristan turned to check on Manji, but this turned out to be a fatal error; The Balrog flapped its damaged wings enough to clamp down on Tristan with its jaws, and both fell deep into the darkness.�

Manji raced down the cliff, searching for Tristan. By the time Manji reached the cave's floor, it was too late for Tristan. The legendary hero passed on his sword to Manji, but it was severely damaged by the fierce battle and the Balrog's brutal evil aura. Manji swore that one day, when he was strong enough, he would restore this sword to its former glory and give it to a warrior as noble as Tristan.�

Chapter 3

Dark Crystals are powerful crystals that hold immense dark power. As you already read, Alacaster used Dark Crystals to seal away the Book of Ancient. The truth is, nobody really knows where they came from...perhaps they arrived when the monsters in Maple World started acting up, or the Black Mage?
That concludes the story of Victoria Island


Chapter 4
The Goddess: Minerva

Orbis is the first town that a traveler from Victoria will arrive at on the vast continent of Ossyria. Orbis is not actually on the continent anymore, however; through the force of Lithium crystals refined in Magatia and enchanted with the powers of alchemy, the city is actually floating in the sky, high above the El Nath mountain range. The town was raised into the air a long time ago by the goddess of Wisdom Minerva, who ruled over Orbis. She spent much time in a special tower built for her by the humans of Ossyria. Recently, the humans brought a huge statue to her, made in her image; She liked it so much, she had it moved into the Tower so she could drink tea and admire it every morning. Many travelers paid her a visit every day, and not all of them were human or fairy; occasionally, monsters would come through. This day, the unsavory Papa Pixie came into the tower, asking Minerva to sell some Water of Life to him so that he might create more Pixies. Minerva would not part with the Water of Life and he was forced to leave, quite unsatisfied.�

The next day, the goddess awoke to find that her statue had been broken! The culprit had broken in overnight and destroyed her prized statue, but accidentally left a footprint. Papa Pixie came by not long after, offering to fix the statue in exchange for the Water of Life. Minerva was so happy with this news that she didn't realize how suspicious Papa Pixie was behaving. After Papa Pixie left, the humans came by, and Minerva quickly covered the statue with a nearby cloth, embarrassed that this could happen to a goddess. She decided that it must be fixed as soon as possible, and thus was forced to hire Papa Pixie. Her chamberlain, Eak, tried to point out that this was a bad idea, but he nagged her so much that eventually she ruined his cloudy body to force him to be quiet. Papa Pixie, seeing that Eak was now disposed, brought more and more pixies in to the tower. His final act of deception ready, he asked Minerva to model for him so that he could fix the statue properly. She went into the ruined statue and Papa Pixie sealed her there, hiding the pieces of the statue all across her tower to prevent her from being released. Only a daring party of powerful humans could possibly challenge Papa Pixie and free the goddess from her marble statue prison...�

...and many areas of the floating island have fell into disrepair and were eventually overtaken by monsters. Some residents of this area refused to move, despite the monsters looming outdoors. One such resident is the fortune telling Sorcerer, Spiruna. She has been able to foresee Orbis' terrible fate for some time: the floating city was slowly sinking and might soon crash into the ground! No one knew exactly what was causing the town of Orbis to sink, however. One theory that was proposed was that Orbis was getting heavier due to the rapid increase in the number of monsters on the island. The dark forces unleashed by Zakum and other incredibly evil monsters led to this increase. Particularly, the Jr. Kitties seemed to be to blame. Upon finding a brave soul to take out hundreds of them, the island's sinking slowed down, but still persisted.�

After further investigation, it was discovered that the pixies were causing this. They were leeching the power from the clouds and stones keeping Orbis afloat to regain their HP and MP. Finally, after roughing up a lot of Pixies, enouh clouds were recovered to repair the damage they caused. Spiruna used her cloud sprayer to redistribute them evenly and Orbis was saved.

That concludes the story of Orbis


Chapter 5
Ludibrium, much like Orbis, is a town high in the air. However, unlike Orbis, Ludibrium Castle is supported by two enormous 100 floor towers, called Eos and Helios. The entire castle is made up of toy bricks, which while it may not seem strong actually provides a formidable barrier to most monsters. Ludibrium is so high in the air that it experiences sunshine 365 days a year. Despite their playful, leisurely appearance, the people of Ludibrium are highly advanced and use factories to produce incredible amounts of toys and use an advanced power system that relies on the immense energy hidden in Tachions and the flow of time.�

The towers, being so enormous and valuable, are often a target for the local monsters. So, the soldiers of Ludibrium must clean out each of the towers from time to time. Lately, however, the number of soldiers has been dwindling due to the threat presented at Omega Sector, and the Ludibrium Soldiers have resorted to asking adventurers traveling through to clean out the towers for them. some of the monsters are Ratz toys, created by Nemi to try to eliminate the monster problem but ended up actually increasing it. Others, like Tweeter, are ordinary monsters that nest on the outer walls of Eos Tower. Still others are toys from the Toy Factory that have gone astray. The strongest monster that is attacking Eos Tower is actually made out of leftover bricks used to construct the tower itself! The Block Golems came to be through the evil influence of Dark Crystals. They want to destroy the tower and use the blocks to create even more golems. The leader of the Block Golems is Rombot, a monster so tainted that it has grown beyond redemption and must be destroyed once and for all.�

Drum Bunnies are another cute toy monster that went out of control. Somehow, they were exposed to the force of darkness created by Dark Crystals, and began using this energy to operate. They became wild and enraged, destroying the tower. General Maestro in Omega Sector thinks that it could be the attacking Greys that are to blame...�

Eos Tower is not the only area of Ludibrium that's in distress, however. The Clock Tower in the center of the Castle has stopped ticking. A monster that slipped through the Cracked dimension stole the Clock's pendulum, causing it to stand still. That monster ran to hide in the Hidden room of Eos Tower, full of Doll Houses. It had the uncanny ability to disguise itself, and managed to blend in to the houses. Luckily, a keen-eyed traveler noticed a subtle difference and destroyed the monster, retrieving the pendulum. The traveler then returned the Pendulum to Grandpa Clock in the Clocktower, who fixed it and started the tower ticking again. For a while, it seemed like the invasion of monsters from the other dimension had ceased...�

Chapter 6
Unfortunately, that was not the case. The monsters from the other dimension just kept slipping through, and they only became more powerful the longer the crack stayed open. Alishar, the Gatekeeper that guarded over the door of dimension between worlds, was corrupted. He began to send through all sorts of powerful monsters from the Other Dimension, with the Pass of Dimension that allowed them to slip through the door. As more monsters passed through the opening, the Other Dimension began to leak into ours, making areas near the Door inaccessible to those without Passes. The door was gaining size due to the Crack of Dimension, and so soon all of Eos Tower might be in danger. The King of Ludibrium found that the only logical course of action, with all the soldiers being preoccupied, was to find a party of strong adventurers who could travel into the abandoned tower and have them sort out the mess.�

By defeating the monsters from the Other Dimension and taking their Passes of Dimension, the party was able to force their way through the contaminated area of the Tower and proceed deeper and deeper. Alishar was threatened by the approaching party, and summoned more and more powerful monsters to challenge them. The King Block Golem from Another Dimension guarded the doors to the spare passes, but a stealthy thief was able to sneak past unnoticed. Alishar realized he needed a more cunning enemy, and brought through the leaders of the Block Golems of the Other Dimension, Rombot. The party of adventurers were shocked at Rombot's ridiculous power, but they defeated all three of the enemy leaders, taking their Passes of Dimension as well. Alishar's final trap was a complex code he devised, locking the door to his throne room. The party eventually guessed his code and broke into the Throne Room, only to find that it was empty! Luckily, a lone Dirty Ratz from the other dimension ran out, and dropped the Pass of Dimension. The item's power forced Alishar out of hiding from between the dimensions, and he raged against the party. After a long fight, Alishar was defeated, dropping the keys to the Door of Dimension and fleeing back across the threshold. The party was rewarded for their efforts by the King of Ludibrium, and the King's messenger promised that should Ludibrium Castle ever need saving again, they would be the first called.�

The peace at Ludibrium Castle didn't last long, however. The town's power source, the Time Sphere, was being disrupted. This posed a huge problem, as without it the flow of time around the town would be completely stopped. The King dispatched a team to investigate the Time Sphere, which was located deep down at the base of the Clock Tower. Their report wasn't good; the number of monsters down there had grown exponentially, with many new kinds of monsters down there as well. Worse yet, the Time Sphere was leaking Tachions, the object used to produce its power, and would have to be replaced. Mr. Bouffon, the King's aide, recruited a powerful traveler to help restore the Time Sphere. The traveler went down into the Path of Time and defeated the strong monsters there, which had become evil after obtaining the power granted by Tachion. Mr. Bouffon only requested a small number of Tachions at first, to make sure that they would work. After combining the Tachions with a small amount of Mysterious Powder he had already collected, he managed to create a tiny replacement Time Sphere. Now that it was known for sure that the two would react, the traveler gathered both Tachions and Mysterious powder en masse.�

Mr. Bouffon, grateful for the favor, began using these materials to construct a full-size Time Sphere that would later be taken down. A new problem had developed, however; the crack of dimension caused by the leaky Time Sphere was growing bigger, and more powerful monsters were coming through. Papulatus, an incredibly powerful monster that made even Alishar's abilities pale in comparison, had already passed through the crack and was leeching the Tachions coming out of the Time Sphere. Simply replacing the existing Time Sphere wouldn't do the trick anymore; Papulatus would ruin the new one as well. Someone needed to defeat him once and for all, to ensure that Ludibrium's power source could exist undisturbed and out of danger. First, however, the crack had to be sealed so that Papulatus couldn't just escape back to his own dimension.�

After Papulatus passed through, many other monsters began to follow it into our world. Some had even passed through the exact same crack as Papulatus, while others had passed through one of the smaller cracks caused by it. The traveler, under the direction of Flo, a powerful magician, headed down to take out the Grim Phantom Watches and Gigantic Spirit Vikings, monsters from the other dimension. Finally, after killing hundreds of them, the traveler found a piece of crack on one of them that was identical to the one caused by Papulatus' intrusion. Flo gave the traveler the Piece of Cracked Dimension, and sent him back to Mr. Bouffon. Once there, he was told that he would have to gain far more power in order to defeat Papulatus. After training himself for a long time, the traveler came back and asked how to reach the clocktower's lower floors. Mr. Bouffon informed him that the Time Sphere's power chamber needed a special medal to enter it, and that medal had been stolen by the incredibly powerful Gatekeeper and Thanatos, monsters second only to Papulatus itself in pure strength. The traveler defeated these daunting foes, taking back the Ludibrium Medal needed to access the Origin of the Clock Tower. Finally, he used the piece of Cracked Dimension to seal the hole between worlds, causing the old Time Sphere and Papulatus to be forced out of hiding. Seeing its escape route was blocked, Papulatus launched a series of vicious attacks, and after a long, drawn out battle Papulatus was at last defeated. The new Time Sphere was put into place, and the traveler was rewarded, named a Hero of Ludibrium, and given a powerful cape to symbolize this victory. The crack between the dimensions was sealed, but that doesn't mean all the problems caused by it are fixed yet...

That concludes the story of Ludibrium

Korean Folk Town

Chapter 10
The Ludus Lake region still wasn't completely settled down yet. Though the cracked dimension may have been repaired, it had still had drastic effects on the world as a whole, and out of the remaining problems, the largest were in Helios Tower's Library. Unlike the Eos Tower, which had been constructed first, the Helios Tower used an elevator to descend its enormous distance. This kept the possibility of monsters taking up residence in the seldom used areas to a minimum, which allowed the remaining sections to be used to their full potential. The first floor of the Helios Tower became a library of books containing the tales of the entire world. These books were very important and interactive, and somehow the power of the cracked dimension managed to get the stories out of order. Wiz, the librarian tasked with keeping Helios and the stories in check, was greatly distressed. If the stories were taken out of order, the entire history of the world could be lost. There was one way to retrieve the proper stories, and that was to enter the story's world and set it straight. Unfortunately, Wiz couldn't leave his post in the Library, as the monsters would raid it as soon as he left. Lucky for him, the traveler was passing through on his way to the next town. Wiz asked if he could please enter the Folk Town, the setting of the altered stories, and set them straight. At least 7 books were currently identified as being out of order. So, not being one to neglect a person in need, the traveler agreed and set off into the Korean Folk Town.�

The Korean Folk Town, though at the base of Helios Tower on a twin island next to the Omega Sector, was completely different. While Omega sector was very highly advanced in technology, the Folk Town had next to no technology at all. There were many small huts with straw roofs. Living in one of these huts was Mr. Cantsee Shim. He was an elderly man who was losing his eyesight. He told of his lovely only daughter, Shim Chung. She had left some time ago, and he was growing worried. Upon hearing the man's name, Cantsee, the traveler asked if he was truly blind. Mr. Shim replied that he could still see, but he was very concerned about his eyesight that was rapidly deteriorating. The traveler suggested that he try glasses, but Mr. Shim ashamedly admitted that he was too poor to afford them. He had been offered a pair for 300 packages of rice, but was unable to come up with it. The traveler, recognizing this as a part of one of Wiz's storybooks, volunteered to gather up the rice packs. Supposedly, other visitors to the Folk Town had reported that the Retz in Helios tower had been stealing the packs of rice. Knowing this, the traveler went to the tower and collected all 300 of the rice packs over a long time. He brought these back to Shim as quickly as possible. Shim was overjoyed, and handed him over their family treasure: the correct storybook of his ordeal. The traveler had one book down, but still many left to go.�

Chil Sung, another resident of the Folk Town, was next. He and his brother, Chil Nam, had just lost their mother. They had divided everything left to them perfectly even between them. Both thought that the other brother deserved the larger share. Chil Sung had just recently gotten married, and still had many expenses to pay for that. So, one day, Chil Nam had an idea. What if he had someone take a sack of rice from his stack to his brother's stack? If he tried it himself, he would undoubtedly be seen, and his brother would never accept such charity if it were offered directly to him. The traveler just happened to be walking back at that time, and Chil Nam approached him. Again recognizing this as one of Wiz's stories, he took one sack of rice to Chil Sung's house, and slid it into his stack of rice. As he began walking back, Chil Sung called to him. Fearing he had been caught, he stopped. Chil Sung then asked if he could take a Sack of Rice to his brother's house, and secretly slip it into Chil Nam's stack. The traveler again dragged the sack of rice to the other side of the Folk Town. The next day, Chil Nam was quite confused; he still had the same number of rice sacks, but knew that the traveler had taken one to his brother's house. He shrug it off and asked him to take another one. This went on for some time, until finally Chil Sung spotted the traveler returning from the rice sack. He immediately realized what was going on. The two brothers grew much closer together. As the traveler headed off, Chil Nam stopped him one last time. He handed him the storybook that was left by their mother. It was another of the corrected tales from Wiz's library. He also offered to make Roasted Pork and that his brother could make Buckwheat Paste for him any time. The traveler gratefully accepted the offer and went on.�

Chil Nam and Chil Sung were not the only brothers in Korean Folk Town, however. The other pair of brothers didn't get along quite so well. Hongbu, the younger brother, was a polite, kind, and honest man with a large family, while his older brother Nolbu was typically very angry and rude. Hongbu's family was very poor, and were forced to live as beggars. On one day where Hongbu visited his brother, asking for rice, Nolbu's wife slapped him in the face with a rice-covered ladel and sent him away. He walked home, not angry or saddened by the events, but grateful for the little bit of rice that had stuck to the side of his face. Right outside his hut, he found a swallow on the ground with a broken leg. It had been attacked by a snake and now was unable to move. Hongbu fixed the bird's leg, and sent it on its way, migrating south for the winter. Many months later, after that cold winter had ended and the spring arrived, the swallow returned. The God of the Sky had seen Hongbu's kindness towards this swallow, and wanting to reward such a deserving man, gave the swallow a special seed to take to him. On its way back to the Folk Town, the unlucky bird had clipped its wings and crashed. Unable to deliver the special seed, it desperately looked for a trustworthy soul to finish the task. The swallow saw the traveler and instantly recognized his kind nature. Surprised to find an animal requesting his help this time, the traveler nonetheless agreed to help. He took the seed straight over to Hongbu's home. Hongbu, not knowing of the traveler's errand, welcomed him into his home. The traveler told Hongbu of the swallow and the seed. Hongbu asked him if he could plant the seed on his roof, because he was not strong enough to climb up there due to hunger. He did this, and the seed instantly grew into a gourd. Remembering how hungry Hongbu was, the traveler decided to check the inside of the gourd for food to give him. Much to his surprise, when the gourd was opened it turned out to be full of gold and jewels! The traveler took the treasure down to Hongbu. Shocked, but modest as ever, Hongbu gratefully accepted the chest, immediately setting out to buy food for his family. He gave the traveler the only thing he could, the storybook that had been in the family for a long time. Grabbing a third storybook, the traveler began looking for more.�

The next resident he ran into was Haenim. Haenim was a young boy who lived in a house with his younger sister, Dalsoon, Their mother had gone out to make rice cakes the night before and not yet returned. Later that night, a Hogul tiger had come to the door of their home, dressed in their mother's clothing, pretending to be her. Dalsoon was fooled, but the older Haenim did not fall for it. The tiger tried all sorts of tricks to get them to let him in, but none of them worked. He became frustrated and ran off, yelling that the next night he would come back to eat them. Haenim and Dalsoon feared for their lives, but came up with a clever plan. They would need a large length of rope and some slippery oil. The only problem was, the Hoguls had stolen all the rope not long before. To get it back, someone would have to go out there and defeat them. It was about this time that the traveler passed by. Haenim thought he looked strong, and begged him to help. Naturally, he agreed to do anything he could. Collecting a few lengths of rope from the Hogul would be no challenge. It didn't take long to get the rope, but the oil was much tougher to find. It could only be made from Cico, a creature living in the ocean of Aqua Road. While hunting for this item, the traveler saw a ship fishing directly above him, and decided to check it out. The man on the ferry was named Tae Gong. He had been out fishing for a long time, and thought his wife must be worried about him. The traveler asked if he could take her a message. Tae Gong thought this was a good idea, and asked him to gather up some shrimp meat, her favorite food, so that she wouldn't be so mad at him for staying out for so long. The traveler jumped back into the water. He easily gathered up enough shrimp and while doing this, managed to find the slippery oil also. It was starting to get dark, so he headed back to Korean folk Town as fast as possible. Haenim gratefully accepted the materials. He said that his plan was to use these ropes to climb into the sky, and then coat the rope behind him with slippery oil so that the Hogul could not follow them. He handed the traveler a storybook, telling the story of the kids who became the sun and moon. That was 4 books, but there were still a lot of stories that were still distorted. Not forgetting about his promise to Tae Gong, he took the shrimp meat to his wife, Grandma Yeon. Contrary to Tae Gong's expectation, she wasn't happy that he had sent someone to gather food for her. She felt bad for the traveler, and offered to make pots for him any time, a service usually reserved for trusted members of the village. Thinking that this might come in useful in the future, he accepted the offer.�

On his way through town, the traveler ran into a distraught looking girl. She was carrying a cracked pot that was leaking water. He stopped to help her. Her stepmother had given her a lot of work to finish by nightfall, and with the cracked pot she would never be able to complete it. She introduced herself as Kong Ji, one of two sisters, the other named Pat Ji. Kong Ji was very beautiful, while Pat Ji and their Stepmother were ugly, and they resented her for this, forcing her to work harder and harder every day. Remembering Grandma Yeon's offer, the traveler volunteered to get her a new pot. She was overjoyed, and went about her other jobs with a little more enthusiasm. Meanwhile, the traveler had walked down to Grandma Yeon to talk to her about buying a pot. She asked for a little money, which he didn't mind giving up. He quickly brought the new pot down to Kong Ji. She was surprised that he had actually been able to convince her to make him one. This would help her work greatly, but she still needed one thing: her stepmother had now ordered her to make rice cakes and do all the laundry on top of the existing things. To make these rice cakes, she would have to go out to the dangerous Black Mountain to gather Artemesia. There was simply not enough time for her to do everything, and she pleaded with the traveler to help her once more. He gladly agreed, setting out for the mountain. The Artemesia grew wild all over, so collecting it was fairly easy. Even this small chore being taken off her workload allowed her to finish everything in time. The next day, though, things began looking even worse. Her stepmother had ordered her to plow the fields, but the weak old Wooden Hoe they had been using snapped in half. The only option was to get a stronger Steel hoe. They were too expensive for her to purchase, however. She had one last idea. The Blins, prankster monsters that lived deep in the Black Mountain, which were the freed spirits of discarded items like brooms, flails, spears, and most importantly hoes. Often they still carried these items with them, so perhaps a Steel Hoe could be taken from defeating one of these. The traveler set out for the deepest part of the Black Mountain. The Blins were powerful foes, and after sorting through many brooms and other worthless discarded items, he finally found a Steel Hoe for her to use. He immediately returned to the Folk Town to give it to Kong Ji. She was thrilled once again, to know that a complete stranger would help her with even the most difficult tasks. She handed over the storybook of Kong Ji and Pat Ji to him as thanks. Perhaps one day soon she would no longer have to do these chores, and leave the unhappy household, but for now she had what was needed to complete the labor ahead of her. With 5 books down, the traveler set off in the town again.�

The last person that he had not spoken to, Chumji, approached. He was the lord that ruled over the Korean Folk Town. The blins were not the only kind of goblin that had plagued the Folk Town lately. One of the side effects of the Cracked Dimension's disruption in Helios Tower was that powerful Goblins had escaped from one of the story books. Chumji had the book in his possession, but it was still out of order. He read the one still important paragraph from it, which stated that the Black Mountain had been cast into permanent darkness by 3 King Goblin's influence. They hid themselves well in this darkness, so bringing them out to defeat them would be nearly impossible. Fortunately, Chumji had one last bit of information about the Goblins' weakness. They each loved a certain food, and from his research Chumji discovered that the foods for these three Kings were Roasted Pork, Buckwheat Paste, and Rice Wine. He said that all of these were produced right here in the Folk Town, so to obtain them would not be too terribly difficult. The traveler remembered from his previous tasks that Chil Nam and Chil Sung could make these. So, he paid a visit to each of the brothers. Chil Nam was willing to make his specialty Buckwheat Paste, but only if the traveler brought him a few tiger stamps to prove the population was under control. Chil Sung was ready to whip up a batch of Roasted Pork, but his pounder for making rice cakes had broken and he needed some new ones. The last item, Rice Wine, was best produced by Kong Ji's cruel stepmother. She promised the traveler that if he could get some shiny, smooth fox tails for her, then she could convince the stepmother to give up some Rice Wine. The traveler set out with his list of items and began collecting them. After grabbing five pounders, four stamps, and three three-tailed fox tails, he turned them in one at a time, gathering the items needed to lure the King Goblins. To get more instructions now that he had bait, he returned to Chumji. Impressed that he had gained the trust of so many residents, Chumji said to head out to the Haunted House, a place at the furthest distance high up on Black Mountain. The best spots to do this were to place the pork on a pile of rocks, smear Buckwheat paste on the inside of a tree, and set the Rice Wine down near a stone lantern. Each of these goblins had a special item that granted them great power: The Blue King Goblin carried a giant club that could summon any existing item that was in the world if it wanted, the Yellow King Goblin wore a special Goblin Cap that could make the wearer invisible, and the Green King Goblin wore a Goblin Cape that gave great strength in wrestling matches. The traveler needed to defeat each King Goblin and take its enchanted item to prove they were defeated. Armed with this knowledge, he set off for the Black Mountain's peak.�

On his way to the Haunted House, the traveler ran into the God of Mountains. He was complaining that someone had dropped an axe on his head. Naturally, he threw this old axe away. Not long after, though, the tree cutter had come along looking for it. The God of Mountains offered him a new Golden axe, or a Silver axe, but the Tree Cutter insisted on his own axe. The God of Mountains, shocked by his lack of greed, agreed to get the old axe back. Before he could recover it, however, a Dark Axe Stump had run off with it. The traveler knew what was coming next, and immediately began slaying Dark Axe Stumps on his way to the peak. It didn't take long to find the Tree Cutter's axe, which was positively identified by the God of Mountains. Since the Tree Cutter was working nearby on the Black Mountain, the traveler dropped the axe off. The Tree Cutter, glad to have his own personal axe back, gave him a book he had been holding for some time. Lately he had been very busy, and thus unable to read the book, so he didn't mind giving it away. With 6 storybooks in hand, the traveler again headed for the peak of Black Mountain. Once at the old Haunted House, he followed Chumji's instructions, first smearing the Buckwheat inside the tree, which drew out the Green King Goblin. He defeated it with ease, and then took its Goblin Cape. Next, the Roasted Pork on the pile of stones lured the Yellow King Goblin out, and it was quickly defeated, losing its Goblin Cap. Finally, the Blue King Goblin was drawn into the open by the rice wine on the Stone lantern. The traveler killed this last King Goblin fast, took its Goblin Bat, and headed back to town as soon as possible. Chumji was now shocked that this traveler was able to defeat the powerful King Goblins, and as a reward offered him one of the Goblin's special items, in addition to the now-corrected Storybook. With 7 storybooks in hand, the traveler headed over to Helios Tower's library. Wiz was ecstatic upon seeing all the correct storybooks back in place. Things weren't perfectly fixed down there yet, but things were settling down. At long last, his work in the Ludus Lake area completed, the traveler headed to town for a well-deserved rest.

That conludes the story of Korean Folk Town[/quote]

That was so good! Thank you

Reply January 29, 2011 - edited

Resistance characters are actually Kindergartaners (Cant spell)


SideNote : There parents prolly bought them OP suits because of them whining.

Reply January 29, 2011 - edited

The quests from KFT are based off of real Korean folklores.

Reply January 29, 2011 - edited

[quote=myshoe2]95% Of Maple Story Don`t Listen To Maple Story Music[/quote]

84% of people will believe anything you day if you put in a statistic

Reply January 29, 2011 - edited

[quote=BlazingTear]maplestory has no story...end thread[/quote]

i think he just about summed it all up

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

NPC can recharge stars and bullets but they don't sell 'em.

Reply January 26, 2011 - edited

The name of the group of people who wants to revive the Black Mage was copied off of Yu-Gi-Oh. (Black Wings)

Reply January 24, 2011 - edited

when a barlog gets summoned or dies, the symbol that pops up has something to do with sator.,r:9,s:0

Reply January 15, 2011 - edited

Mushmom and Mush dad are a very dysfuntional family with over a billion kids.

After respawning after death, someone sabotoges our tombstone because they just hate maplers.

We can cause the most insane damages with the most ridiculous weapons.

Yellow and Brown workgloves are way to overpriced for something that was p---- ... wait wuht?

Ludibrium is another Legoland.

Reply January 8, 2011 - edited

[quote=Fhyr]Just found this fact, it's quite interesting. Not sure if it's still true though.
"Thanatos is a unique monster found in the bowels of the Clocktower. It is unique in the way that it attacks differently depending on the player's relative position to it. If Thanatos is facing to the left, it uses an ice attack. If Thanatos is facing to the right, it attacks with status effects only."[/quote]

Its true, Its one of the reasons I dont kill gatekeepers when I do the Pap Quest.

Reply January 8, 2011 - edited

Despite being slain without mercy, there are no endangered monsters.

Disclaimerage 31

Reply January 8, 2011 - edited

there is no +3INT bamboo hat that is clean

Reply January 8, 2011 - edited

dont know if anyone posted this
maplestorys tanned is actually a sort of black

Reply January 8, 2011 - edited

No matter how much potions or food we consume to instantly heal grave wounds we do not get fat or even use the toilet to excrete waste.

Reply January 8, 2011 - edited

[quote=kintarben]When you type "cc8" it comes up "c**".
Nobody knows why.[/quote]
I heard it's some sort of "bad word" or w/e in korean, I've seen this on another thread but I can't remember which one xD

OT: The weapon Dark Neschere looks like the Silver Hawk BM/MM/WH summon.

Reply January 8, 2011 - edited

The luckiest theives can cause incredibly high dmg wiht luck alone.

The most unfortunate mage can deal ridiculously high damage.

Before entering the afterlife, the average person loses 10% of their experience.

Reply January 8, 2011 - edited

awsome thread

Reply January 8, 2011 - edited

The black mage's clothes are purple
The skills that black mage uses are purple as well
it should be purple mage
(got this from doing 120 cygnus quest)

Reply January 6, 2011 - edited

Anyone know anything else?

Reply January 4, 2011 - edited

@Beefinator: yes but DO U HAVE THE SKILLS TO USE IT O.o

Reply December 30, 2010 - edited

If you say "Haha" in any chat, you character will automatically F2. If you say "Does anybody have a/an _______" your character will automatically F4.

Also, look at [url=]The Sword He's Holding[/url], then look at [url=]The Blue Screamer[/url]

Reply December 30, 2010 - edited

"heart staff" is actually a wand

Reply December 30, 2010 - edited

The strongest weapon to evur land in the hands of us chibi humans is a maroon mop 220 att base, polarm... YEAH TAKE THAT WE ARANS AND DKS ARE SPECIAL

Reply December 29, 2010 - edited

[quote=ihafuf]The haircuts of characters from the anime "Bleach" is in Maple Story;
Rukia's haircut
Hitsugaya's haircut
Scania is also a name of a truck/bus brand/company.
The male haircut "antagonist" means bad character of a story.
There use to be a Naruto suit overall in CS.[/quote]
"Zenith" means to reach the highest point.

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

[quote=sargeantbob]Rarest weapon in the game is Maroon mop (Sorry is it even in GMS?), if not its the Blue maple bandana.
Hwabis are ilbis that are way more impossible to get, have the nearly the same throwing animation, but have more stars per set.
Every NPC but cody has some function quest wize, or does something. (Recently)
Steelies are throwing knives, not stars.
Spamming potions or a use item can get you off a map. Every use item but stars and arrows AND SCROLLS can be placed on a hot key.
The highest level monster in the game was the dark wolf guy in El Nath, in the first patches.
Tiger was banned for shared account.
Did half of you know how to get to florina beach before BB?
Took ~4 years to have the first true level 200. Now takes roughly 3 weeks.
A first year player only dreamed of having a set of ilbis, and a 125atk weapon of any sort was a joke.
Dark scrolls single handedly drove this game to its insanity level, il argue this fact.
White scrolls are the rarest scrolls in the game by a large fold, and are the most expensive 100% scroll you can buy.
Clean slate scrolls have double the chance of booming then they do for working.
Nexon has reduced travel times in each new place, Orbis 15 mins, ludi 10, and so on...(General trend is decreasing... dont harass)
Bandits were the first dualblades...Khanjars?
There is a B*stard sword in maplestory, even tho it is censored.
There is an NPC called Bicho.
The best (Maybe rarest is a better word) equips in the game (For the most part) have some sort of glowing effect
According to the scripts, the map is what deals damage to you in a jump quest.
Nexon implemented taxes not Wizet. They did this so you would buy nx. 2 examples, 1 you lose money so u go HEY i need more Mesos! Also stores have less tax which means encentive (bad spelling) to buy one.
There was a GM account that got hacked.
The only GM (that i know of) whos name doesnt have the server in it example DEMEBlah... is Lambcook.
The Gm hat gives +999 all stats
Max fame is 30k

Feel free to add to my list people i like this thread.

The most expensive type of equip is narrowed down IMO to Mask/Pendant. Not sure which...[/quote]

There's a GM named Koolada

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

Galicia is an actual place xD

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

[quote=sargeantbob]Rarest weapon in the game is Maroon mop (Sorry is it even in GMS?), if not its the Blue maple bandana.
Hwabis are ilbis that are way more impossible to get, have the nearly the same throwing animation, but have more stars per set.
Every NPC but cody has some function quest wize, or does something. (Recently)
White scrolls are the rarest scrolls in the game by a large fold, and are the most expensive 100% scroll you can buy.[/quote]
-Since when is a dana a weapon?
-Hwabis are much easier to get pre-BBU. You haven't been in the FM lately have you? They're like 8-15m only in bera.
-Cody has had a use in many event quests :O.
-Rarest 100% scroll is the advanced enhancement scroll. WS are dropping in price insanely due to the present event (and the hackers), but even before that, the advanced enhancement scroll was rarer.

MapleStory censors its own made equips and monsters: raccoon mask, raccoons.

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

The haircuts of characters from the anime "Bleach" is in Maple Story;
Rukia's haircut
Hitsugaya's haircut
Scania is also a name of a truck/bus brand/company.
The male haircut "antagonist" means bad character of a story.
There use to be a Naruto suit overall in CS.

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

It no longer takes much to find a secret portal as Nexon has conveniently added animations for them when you're near. In the old days, there was no way to know where a secret portal was.

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

Iruvatas look like Hatsune Mikus.

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

There was one time where Cody asked players if they would like to have a new are in MapleStory.
A theme park ?

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

I read this whole thread D:
Free time is killing me without things to do.

Anyways, the very first person who got 30k fame was Diego from Scania.

There was also a guy in Bera around v.3x who spammed a lot of smegas. His IGN was Mega5 or something like that.

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

Monsters pay respect for the players they have slain by laying a tombstone for the deceased; however, when a player had just unleashed a carnaging wake of destruction not a single pebble is carved. Instead, we take thier hides, droppings, mysteriously perfect forged weapons, and many other objects that make us rich.

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

[quote=BlazingTear]maplestory has no story...end thread[/quote]

LOL this.

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

Cygnus is the genus(?) name of swans.

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

When you CC, your face goes up so it looks like you're making a stupid face.

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

these are fun to read

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

This is A Horntail and a Chaos Horntail Now Be Glad i showed u

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

Helios-Sun god
Eos- Moon god
Centaurs- Greek myth
Meso rangers- power rangers or Super Sentai
The monsters in Showa now have swords and guns
Black Mage-Voldemort
Black Wings- Death Eaters
Battle Mage- Dumbledore's Army
Edelstein-The place where Death Eaters take over

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

Maplestory is the only MMORPG game able to sustain a virtual economy purely run by players and in doing so it had influnce the making of a maplestory ebay

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

[quote=HotDiggityDog]in Ur inventory every item (except for clothes) face diagonally[/quote]

pure water =D

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited

maplestory has rot children's minds for over the past 5 years.. huzzah

Reply December 28, 2010 - edited
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