
chaos update upgrade then nerf

i was looking at the chaos updates (there are 3 parts just like BB) and noticed that you get crazy skill boosts in 1st update, then get skill nerfs a lil bit in 2nd update, then get prety bi skill nerfs in 3rd update. i was looking at the aran ones mostly, but is any 1 else noticing this? or am i completely wrong?

i know this is like a year away but still

i was looking at spadows blog

December 19, 2010

2 Comments • Newest first


that final update to me looked like arans got hit hard really hard...

Reply December 19, 2010

yea its like they are using the actual servers as test servers... upgrade skills check m out, if people complain some class is too overpowerd and cry about it they nerf it..

Reply December 19, 2010