
Need help with math. Exams on monday

Hey i was going though questions again and i got stuck here. Glad if anyone can explain me the steps please. this is grade 10 math. The asnwer is 1.6. Thanks )!

10. A boat took 3 hours to travel 24 km with the current. On the return trip, the boat took 5 hours to
travel 24 km against the current. Determine the speed of the current.
A. 1.6 km h
B. 4 km h
C. 6.4 km h
D. 24 km h

Ik know the answer but i dont know how to get there.

January 27, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


B+R = 8 and B-R = 4.8
2R = 3.2 and R = 1.6

B+R = 8 and B = 4.8+R
(4.8+R)+R = 8
2R + 4.8 = 8
2R = 3.2
R = 1.6

Reply January 27, 2013

Hii ty for your effort on helping me! i dont get this part

"and therefore, 2R = 3.2 and R = 1.6"


Reply January 27, 2013

lol nvm this is somewhere in algebra or soemthing

Reply January 27, 2013

24 divided by 5?

Reply January 27, 2013