

Best character card sets

As the title implies what are the best cards and combinations for my battle mage

January 21, 2013

3 Comments • Newest first


By the way, you only need 1 character at the rank (Or maybe 2?) in order to get the higher level rank effect.
For example, 2 As and 1 S will provide an S-rank bonus for the Mage set, but not the 3 S-rank effect for levels.

Reply January 22, 2013

The 8% dmg is probably based on your base mp.

Honestly, i removed my mage set effect for using 2 mechs (perma body boost with 20% buff from azwan), and i lost about 400 damage out of a clean 85-115K

Reply January 22, 2013

a mage set is just 3 mage cards right? sorry for the noob question

Reply January 22, 2013