

Fund Evan with 1b

I just made 1b from merching and i really dont feel like making more atm.
So I already have the nx mastery books and 5/6 empress set excluding cape. (Yes i did get magic booster )
My staff is already 210 mag att with no pot (Going to pot with Tim's secret lab), and i dont have any % earrings, evo rings, or decent pendant because i just got hacked on a different account.

Any help is appreciated . My world is Broa if it helps with prices.

Edit: I have a Abr aready

October 9, 2012

3 Comments • Newest first


Okay, and i already have a 4% belt and i dont want to waste another 50m for extra 2%

Reply October 10, 2012

I'm sorry, i should of listened to you. After all, you are BOSS

Reply October 9, 2012

Or should i sell everything when luminouse comes out and play a different class like a usually do

What percent stat?
What kind?

Reply October 9, 2012 - edited