
How to get Spectrum goggles

All the cool high level people have a pair of spectrum goggles! how do i get one? Im not paying 1.8 bil for glasses. And also, how do you get the smiling masks and stuff?

August 19, 2014

4 Comments • Newest first


Specs are like 150-250mil clean in Broa now and I hardly see anyone wear them anymore now that there are higher level eye accessories that give better potential. It used to just be because they looked cooler than the only other 13-70 eye accessory, raccoon masks, so people wore them to look cool and pro. Now they're dirt cheap and outshined.

Reply August 19, 2014

How to get Specs in 5 easy steps!

1. Go do CWKPQ with friends
2. Specs drop, but you won't get it
3. You will go and cry yourself to sleep
4. Buy mesos
5. Buy Specs!

Reply August 19, 2014

can't you get them from cwk now?
also, no one wears specs anymore :1 well, barely anyone

Reply August 19, 2014

Gacha and Gacha

Reply August 19, 2014