
What should i upgrade?


I was wondering what equipment i should upgrade, the equipment i have atm is:

Maple Hat: 4/4/4/4, +17 hp and mp,
Maple Earring: +25 hp and mp
Spiegelmann Necklace: 1/1/1/1
Lvl 6 evolving ring
Black Belt: 5/6/5/7
Pac: 2 atk 3 luk
Brown Moon Gloves: 9 atk, 4l uk
Veteran adventurer medal: 1/1/1/1
Red katinas boots: 2 str, 4 luk
Red katinas 7 dex, 18 luk
Red Craven: 6 luk 60 atk
Stars: 4 hwabi's, 6 ilbi's, 1 steely (for reminding that my stars are nearly used up)

I currently have 60 mil free to spend. Any help is appreciated


January 6, 2011

4 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Green4EVER]Buy a Z-Helm for one. 60m should be able to get you an average one
Possibly do the quest for a Dep Star and use that as well
everything else is fine for how much money you have[/quote]

i was planning on going for the dep star but i'm not sure i can kill BF already.
i'm looking for a zhelm aswell

Reply January 6, 2011

Sell your Hwabis and Ilbis and buy steely's, the extra 2 attack isnt worth 100m for you.

Reply January 6, 2011

Since you are in bera perhaps try to get a Targa helmet? With all the deflation it can't be that hard.
Also try to get some potential earrings with maybe even 3%luk? Musn't be much but at least a start.

Reply January 6, 2011

Buy a Z-Helm for one. 60m should be able to get you an average one
Possibly do the quest for a Dep Star and use that as well
everything else is fine for how much money you have

Reply January 6, 2011