

Porcelain Throne, new toilet vs Your Throne, old toilet

So The Porcelain Throne is a new chair from the tea bag. search it up, it looks 100% the exact same as the "Your Throne" toilet seat.

what's it's price. Your Throne is worth 400-500m. Why have I seen Porcelain Throne for only 250m?

descripion of Porcelain Throne is "A luxurious toilet chair. It has everything you'll need!" recover 100 hp and 50 mp every 10 sec. Saw this worth 250m
now, the original toilet chair, called the Your Throne, i've seen for 400-500m "Need some privacy? Recovers 50hp." and that's all. They Look exactly the same. Why is the Porcelain Throne worth half the price?

they're both blue toilets! I haven't seen anyone sit on the Porcelain Throne, I'm simply requesting someone to post a screan shot please please please. I want the toilet chair so bad and if the Porcelain Throne looks exactly the same, i'm going to buy that for half price instead. I'll hug you through the internet or something @ - @

October 5, 2012

2 Comments • Newest first


Honestly don't care about recovery, Just the appearance. If anyone has a screanshot, please post please please!

Reply October 5, 2012

Recovers less hp and no mp at all. Therefore it is much more valuable.

Reply October 5, 2012